Programme SAP RGJMCD00 - Display Change Documents for Joint Venture Master Tables

The report RGJMCD00 (transaction GJV5 or Accounting -> Financialaccounting -> Joint venture -> Master data -> Display changes) displayschange documents belonging to joint ventures.
On the selection screen the user must specify the companycode and the name of the joint venture. Optional selection criteriaare
Last change by (user name)
From date (DD.MM.YYYY)
From time (HH:MM:SS)
Change document number
After execution a list with one line for each change document matchingthe selection criteria is shown.
Those lines can be selected and the change document is shown in detail.The header then displays the change document number, date and time ofthe change, the name of the user who changed and the transaction code.
The following transaction codes are possible:
GJV1: create joint venture
GJV2: change joint venture
SE38: delete joint venture (RGJDEL00)
GJA2: change JOA (equity groupmaintenance)
Below the header either one line with the table name and the key fieldsis shown if an entry was created or, if an entry was changed ordeleted, a second line with the old value of a field and a third linewith the new value is displayed.