Programme SAP RGJGLXC2 - Deactivate company in JV

De-activation of a company code for Joint Venture Accounting

If Joint Venture Accounting is installed, it is not necessarily usedfor all company codes. To activate JVA for a company code, it has to beswitched on in FI customizing but also in JVA.. Once activated, JV willcollect most of the postings in FI, MM, CO into the JV data base.
In some cases it might be necessary to de-activate a company code againor to deactivate one of the JV ledgers.
The de-activation is done with this transaction. For the de-activationit has to be decided if JV is de-activated at all for this company codeor if the additional ledger for additional currencies is de-activated.
The JV standard ledger is 4A for data collection and 4B as billingledger. Every ledger can have one transaction currency and up to twolocal currencies. Since FI can have up to three local currencies, JVoffered also the possibility to use an additional ledger - 4C asadditional data collection ledger and 4D as additional billing ledger.But this additional ledger should only be used if necessary.
