Programme SAP RGCSCD00 - Copy Totals Records

This report is used to copy company data to another ledger, anotherversion, another fiscal year. It is used, for example, if a companymust be kept in subgroups of different reporting currency.
So that such automatic copies cannot cause damage in any ledgers orversions, appropriately provided ledgers and versions must be marked asbeing able to be copied.
Automatically generated copies should also be deletable, that is, thisreport can also assume the function of the subsequent physical deletionin the database. The report refuses to do this, however, if it is to beused within a ledger or a version that is not marked as being able tobe copied. This prevents the inadvertent deletion of manually generatedproductive data as a rule. A further protection against deletion bymistake consists in the fact that for the deletion option, all targetaccount assignments must be manually deleted from the request screen toclearly document the intention to delete.