Programme SAP RGCPLS00 - Validate Consolidation Data

This report performs validation checks in the individual financialstatement data of a group company. It makes sense to perform validationchecks at three different times:
The first check is done on local valuation basis for the values inlocal currency.
After standardizing entries and currency translation are performed, asecond check is done in group currency on corporate valuation basis.
In the third phase, consolidation entries are also included. For thissituation, the valuations are not related to the individual company,rather to the subgroup being observed; accordingly, the valuation of ofthe subgroup.


  • Checking is defined by formulas and combined in checking groups.

  • Checking group is stored in the company master.
  • Output

    • Error and warning notes as log from which you can branch into the
    • definition of the error message as well as the database values.
      • Link in status management.