Programme SAP RGCEUR00 - DO NOT USE!!! Program has been retired!

This is a reconciliation program to ensure that assets equal equity andliabilities, and the income statement + appropriations of retainedearnings equal zero (0) in the balance carryforward period.
Depending on the posting level (PL) of the records in the FILCTdatabase, this is ensured for various currencies and objects. Incurreddifferences are posted to separately specified adjustment items for thebalance sheet and the income statement. These adjustment items aredefined - if desired with a transaction type - in Customizing (trans.GCED).
The program does not automatically reconcile retained earnings in thebalance sheet and in the income statement. This must be explicitlyrequested on the selection screen.
Reconciliation levels are:
PL ' ': company, LC
PL 0 : company, LC
PL 8 : company, LC
PL 1 : company, document type, LC
PL 2 : company pair, document type, GC
PL 3 : subgroup, document type, GC
PL 1 also reconciles in GC (group currency) when the document type usesGC.
Local currency groups can exist in FI-LC: If the document type posts inLC (local currency), levels 2 and 3 must reconcile the LC (instead ofthe GC).
The program reconciles the balance carryforward period of FILCT in thefashion described earlier. Differences are posted with the sameassignments to the adjustment items (in the carryforward period).During the changeover, the program runs in the phases ANALYZE, RECONand POST for the companies and ledgers that are assigned to the activechangeover package (of type 'FILC').

The balances must be carried forward for the year preceding thechangeover.

The program generates a list of adjustments to be posted against theFILCT database.