Programme SAP RGCEQT00 - Data Transfer for Affiliated Companies

This program copies the entries from the table for periodic datatransfer by affiliated companies into the Equity Holdings Adjustmentstable. During this process, the fiscal year, period and ledger areadded according to the entries made in the initial screen of theprogram.
Depending on the currency type, the value fields of the table forperiodic data transfer table are edited as follows.

  • L:

  • The local currency amount is copied unaltered into the Equity HoldingsAdjustments table. Using the currencies affected and the parametersVersion and Exchange rate indicator an exchange rate isdetermined from the Exchange Rate table, and from that an amount ingroup currency is calculated for the Equity Holdings Adjustments table.No group currency amount already existing in the table for periodicdata transfer by affiliates is taken into account.
    • G:

    • The group currency is copied directly from the table for periodic datatransfer by affiliates to the Equity Holdings Adjustments table, andthe local currency amount is calculated using the Exchange Rate table.