Programme SAP RGCAUS00 - Group Reports

Using this report you can evaluate the subgroup and company data youhave entered and edited.

The following prerequisites must have been fulfilled:
You must have first maintained the following points in theConfiguration Menu under the menu item ->Corp.std report:
->Header text
->Line structure
->Column structure
In order to carry out an evaluation, you must first have created datathat can be evaluated. To do this, you must run the Data Selectionprogram which selects summarized data for a chosen subgroup and fiscalyear from the consolidation data base.
If you want to compare data, for example, between subgroups, months,years or versions, then you must run the Data Selection program foreach subgroup, month, year or version you want to compare.

The following are examples of the types of evaluations you can make:

  • balance sheet and income statement

  • asset history sheet

  • payables/receivables aging report, accruals report

  • monthly, quarterly or yearly comparisons

  • division or country comparisions