Programme SAP RFVSIC01 - Batch Input for Creating Collateral

Report program RFVSIC01 generates collateral items from importeddata records. In addition, it assigns the collateral items to thedefined loans.

File and file formats

Steps in the activity:
Create the collateral item
Assign collateral item to loan
Create assignment (where applicable)
Save the changed loan
The program attempts to create the collateral items using the importeddata by means of a call transaction. If this is not possible, itgenerates a batch input session.

Further notes
The program assigns the collateral items to the correct loans via theidentifying characteristics of the loans (company code and contractnumber) in the transfer structure RLFVSIC.
If the loans and partners are transferred by means of TR external datatransfer, (transfer categories 51 and 14), you can supplythe identifying characteristics together with the loan ID and thepartner ID.
If you want to assign an existing collateral item to a loan, theidentifying characteristics of the loan and the collateral ID need to besupplied to the transfer structure RLFVSIC. In this case, thesystem merely calls up the transaction for changing the loan and assignsthe collateral item.
If you want to assign a collateral item to several loans during thetransfer run, the record containing the data of the collateral items andone of the references loans must have a unique value in fieldXSICALT. You need to supply a record containing the loan ID foreach additional loan. The content of the RSICHER field in thisrecord must correspond to the XSICALT field of the record withthe collateral data.
The contents of the XSICALT field itself are not transferred,since no corresponding field exists.