Programme SAP RFVIZWT10 - Payment Data Change

Change of Payment Data (RFVIZWT10, Transaction FOZD)

The payment method lets you group payments or defines the way paymentsof open items are to be made in the payment program. You can specifythe payment method directly in the posting item or in the customermaster record. However the payment method defined in the open itemstakes priority.
In Real Estate Management, you can define a payment method in theconditions of the lease-out as well as in the customer account (seeNote 121502). The payment method in the lease-out does not have toexist in the customer master record. In the debit position run, thepayment method is copied from the conditions to the document. If nopayment method is specified in the condition items of the lease-out, nopayment method appears in the document.
Especially when tenants have several contracts with varying paymentforms, the payment method data is generally defined in the contract andnot in the customer master record. This procedure means, however, thatextensive manual processing is required if the payment method changes,which often takes effect retroactively. You would have to make changesin the following:
,,- Customer master data
,,- Condition items
,,- Documents
The tool described here offers an easy way of handling these paymentmethod changes.
Typical use:
,,Tenant issues collection authorization as of ...
,,Tenant revokes collection authorization as of ....
,,Tenant gives notice on rental unit; collection authorization expireson the date of notice
The bank type (BVTYP) and the house bank (HBKID) can also be changed.You can also maintain the bank details. You can define a payment lockin the customer master record and copy this to the documents.

The program handles lease-outs as well as general contracts of a mastertenant with customer account.
A change of the customer master records always applies immediately.
The change mode does not have a "Valid-to" date.
The payment method for the "Cash deposit" condition is not taken intoaccount.

In the initial screen, you select the customer required either byentering the contract assigned to the customer, the customer's name, orthe partner or customer number.

All importantant information is available in the main screen. The treeon the left is for easy orientation. The hierarchy displayed is asfollows:
,, Collective lease-out (or main contract)
,, Lease-out (or general contract)
On each level, the totals of the corresponding open items aredisplayed.
A red traffic light indicates that open items exist. You can display acontract that you have selected by choosing "Display contract".
Now select the contracts you require from the tree. The default changedate appears as the first day of the month, but you can change this ifrequired.
The following example explains the subsequent procedure:
You want to revoke all lease-outs with "Collection authorization" (C)as the payment method. Select all the contracts (or customers) in thetree. Under the 'Payment data (contracts)' tab, at the top of thescreen, specify "Collection authorization" (C) as default paymentmethod debit memo, choose "Delete" and then "Accept proposal". Now the"Collection authorization" payment method under the "Contracts" and"Conditions" tabs is deleted for all selected contracts.
To display the conditions, select the required contract and choose the"Conditions" tab. By doubleclicking other contracts in the tree, youcan display the conditions.
You can also change the default data manually.
The customer data is stored under the "Payment data (customer)", tab.You can maintain the customer's bank details under the "Bank details"tab. If you delete a bank , the partner bank type is removed from thedefaults at the bottom of the screen. Note that any changes you makeunder these two tabs take immediate effect.
With the "Open items" button, you can change the payment data indocuments that have already been posted for the selected contracts.Items that are due for payment after the change date are alreadyselected. At the top of the list, the changes to be made are displayed.Here the default values that appear under the "Payment data(contracts)" tab are copied.
You should check the type of change in the list header and theselection of items before choosing "Change documents". Changeddocuments are highlighted. Documents that cannot be changed are logged.Now return to the main screen by choosing "Back". Note that the changesyou have made are not updated on the database with immediate effect.
Now save the default values by choosing "Save".

In the case of general contracts, you have to maintain the payment data(apart from the house bank) under the "Conditions" tab. On the otherhand, there are no fields for "Payment block" and "Credit memo paymentmethod" under the "Conditions" tab of lease-outs.
If you create a new partner bank type (BVTYP) and need to change thedocuments, you first have to save your data so as to update thepartner bank type in the database and then change the documents.

Before you change the documents, check that the fields have beendefined as changeable in Customizing forFI.