Programme SAP RFVIXEF0 - Adjustment of RU's for Vacant Status for Upgrade 2.22C -> 2.22D

Before you start this report you should define all the referencetransaction types for the vacant status in Customizing and create thecost centers in controlling which the vacant statuses should be postedto. The report enables you to assign a cost center and a date inaddition to restricting the selection of the rental units required. Anoverview is then displayed of all selected rental units which containsthe following information:
Usage type,
Move-in date,
Valid-as-from date of first condition header,
Number of existing condition headers for the RU,
Cost center which is already assigned to the rental unit (or if nonehas been assigned then the cost center which was assigned on theinitial screen),
Cost center which is assigned to the rental unit in accordance with thenew structure (time-based cost center allocation table).
The data which will automatically be changed when you double-click onthe mouse (or via Edit -> Maintain RU) is highlighted. If necessary,you can change
the valid-as-from date of the first condition header, if the date isbefore the date entered in the initial screen. The cash flow is createdas from the "new" valid-as-from date. If term items exist which are nolonger valid for the "new" valid-as-from date, they are deleted.
the number of condition headers if it is greater than 1. All conditionitems are assigned to the first condition header.
the cost center, if no cost center exists in the column "CstCnt new"and there is a cost center in the column "CstCtr old". The "CstCtr old"is transferred to the time-based table. The transfer is only carriedout if the conditions (at least one condition header) are available.
If you double-click on the mouse or click on Edit -> Maintain RU, thesechanges are carried out automatically and you branch to the rental unitdialog (conditions screen). You can make further changes here ifrequired (e.g. condition items, amounts, condition header date which isdifferent to the default value or cost center and so on). You confirmyou changes via the save function. The cash flow is then automaticallygenerated and the corresponding rental unit is highlighted in the list.
Via the function Vacancy conditions -> Save, you can make changes tothe cost center for all the rental units displayed if necessary andsave the cash flow.

Note on performance:
For test data, you should select a valid-as-from date which is in therecent past so that no too many line items are written. The date fromwhen the vacancy should be posted should be selected as the start datefor production data.

Before starting the report, define the reference flow types for thevacancy in Customizing and create the CO cost centers required incontrolling.