Programme SAP RFVIVSTO - Set Indicator for Input Tax Option in Rental Agreements

The report is used for setting the indicator for the input tax optionin the term headers of rental agreements. A respective option reason isset at the same time. You can restrict the number of rental agreementsto be changed via the selection options. The system searches for therental agreement headers in accordance with the program options chosenand only selects those headers which have the same tax code as the taxcode entered. After the selected term headers are displayed and thensaved, the system sets the indicator for the input tax option and theoption reason in the term headers. If another reason has already beenentered in the term header, it will be overwritten. The data is notchanged during the simulation run.

You define the option reasons in the real estate customizing menu(Master data -> Rental agreement -> Input tax option reason).

The rental agreement term headers selected in accordance with theoptions entered, are displayed in a list. When you save this listoption reason specified in all of the term headers displayed in thelist. You receive a message confirming the number of data records whichhave been modified. During the simulation run (simulation runparameters set; customizing) no data records are modified. When youpress F11 after the simulation run, you receive information about thenumber of data records to be modified.

Entries on the report selection screen:

  • Company code: 0001

  • Business entity: No entry

  • Rental unit: No entry

  • Rental agreement: No entry

    • Tax code in rental agreement: A1

    • Reason for input tax option: 1

    • Simulation run: Not set

    • After executing the report, you receive a list containing all therental agreement term headers existing in company code 0001 which havethe tax code A1. When you save the list, the indicator for the inputtax option is set for all the displayed term headers. The option reason'1' is entered at the same time. The reason must however be specifiedin customizing previous to this.