Programme SAP RFVISAL1OLD - Real Estate Balance List

This report program generates a list of balances for customers whoappear as a master tenant with customer account or subsidizer in theselected objects.

You can make selections by company code, business entity, rental unit,lease-out number, special G/L indicator and account balance. You canalso decide whether undeleted lease-outs, deleted lease-outs or bothundeleted and deleted lease-outs should be taken into account.
Furthermore, you can decide whether to display the balances percollective lease-out instead of for each contract ("Balance percollective LO" indicator).
Normal sales (sales without special G/L indicator) are always selectedif the "Select normal sales" indicator is set.
If you want to select only normal sales, make the following entries inthe "Special G/L indicator" fields:
Special G/L indicator A Z
Choose the "Selection options" and select the "Excl" indicator.
The account balance always refers to the selected transactions; thismeans that the program only considers those documents that were postedon the key date (posting date) and whose special G/L indicator meetsthe selection criteria. The balance is considered per customer.
The following examples illustrate the possible entries in the accountbalance field:
Account balance 100.00 1000.00
This entry means that customers with an account balance between 100.00and 1000.00 (in the local currency of the company code).
Account balance 1000.00
This entry means that customers with a balance of 1000.00 or less (inthe local currency of the company code) are selected.
If you want to select all customers with a balance of 1000.00 orgreater, make the following entry, choose the "Selection options" andselect the Greater than indicator in the dialog box thatappears:
Account balance 1000.00
To select only customers with a credit balance, do not enter a balancein the Account balance field. Instead, position the cursor on theselection option "Account balance" and choose the "Selection options".Then select the Less than indicator in the dialog box thatappears. This will give you a list of all the customers with a balanceof less than 0 (credit).

The list contains all contracts for all customers with the balancessorted by special G/L indicator, listing:
Balances of all previous years (fiscal)
Debit balance of the current year
Credit balance of the current year
Total balance of the current year
The following precedes the contract number:
'3/' for lease-outs
'C/' for collective lease-outs
'8/' for management contracts
For each customer account the customer's account number, name, addressand total balance are displayed in the heading, and the balances of theprevious years, credit and debit balances of the current year and totalbalance of the current year are displayed in the Totals line.
Displayed per company code:
The above-named balances by special G/L indicator and their total foritems without an account assignment on a lease-out
The above-named balances for business entities sorted by special G/Lindicator, as well as the total of these balances
The above-named balances for the company code and their total
A Totals line is not displayed if only one line was displayed for therespective contract, business entity or company code.
Please note that the totals for the business entities and company codesonly comprise the selected items. For a complete overview of a businessentity you have to omit all parameters except for the business entity.
For documentation purposes, the last page of the list is an overview ofthe parameters for the selection. The selection options are documentedin the conventional way, using:

  • From-value, To-value

  • I for parameters included in the selection, E for parameters excluded
  • from the selection
    • The keys for interval and single value selection:

    • EQ single values
      NE not equal
      GE greater than or equal to
      LT less than
      LE less than or equal to
      GE greater than
      BT between