Programme SAP RFVIRPMV - Rental Unit Overview

Overview of rental units/lease-outs

This reports gives you an overview of rental units and any relatedlease-outs.


Grouping of conditions
In the basic list, the condition totals are displayed by rental unitand lease-out, as well as the master data of the rental unit/lease-out
The condition totals are also divided up intocondition categories. Upto nine condition categories can be displayed. Only thecondition types withinternal condition category
04 (Grouping for reporting) are assigned. The columns have the nameof the condition category and the abbreviation RE and LO if thetotalled amounts belong to the conditions of the rental unit orlease-out. Another row of columns without the abbreviation indicatesthe effective total per condition category. In other words, the totalsfor the rental unit appear here if the rental unit is rented, and thetotals for the rental unit if it is vacant.
See also the documentation for internal conditioncategories.

Grouping of areas
As with conditions, you can also group areas with different area types.In the selection screen you can dynamically define up to 5 groups;choose the "Areas" pushbutton in the "Additional fields" box in orderto show the entry fields. In the first row you can enter the heading ofeach column in which values from the list appear. In the selectionfields on the right you can enter the space types. The values of thesespace types are added up and displayed one column per lease-out.

Apportionment units
When you choose the "Apportionment units" pushbutton in the "Additionalfields" box in the selection screen, you display five other fields inwhich you can enter the apportionment units. These are then displayedin the list per rental unit.
Please note: In certain circumstances, the new fields for both of thefunctions just named are not immediately visible; if this is the case,you have to display them using the display variant maintenance.


For the grouping of conditions
Conditions of rental unit
Basic rent USD 1000
Service charge advance payment USD 300
Conditions of lease-out:
Basic rent USD 1100
Service charge advance payment USD 320
If the rental unit is rented, the following entries appear in the list:
Basic rent,,Basic rent LO,,Basic rent RU
If the rental unit is vacant:
Basic rent,,Basic rent LO,,Basic rent RU

For the grouping of areas
Rental unit areas:
Storage area: 200 m2
Office area: 20 m2
Store area: 80 m2
In the selection screen you make the following entries:
Heading,,,,Area types
total store area,,,,storage area, store area
rented area,,,,storage area, store area, office area
The list contains two new columns:
Total store area,,,,Rented area
280 m2,,,,300 m2

If you select an entry and choose "Display conditions", the details ofthe rental unit conditions are displayed. If the lease-out field in thedetailed list display is empty, the entry refers to a condition of therental unit.