Programme SAP RFVIRECNAD0 - Accrual/Deferral (General Contract)

Accrual/Deferral of Flows in Real Estate General Contract (RFVIRECNAD0- transaction FOABG)

The accrual/deferral procedure makes it possible to have correctperiodic financial statements for non-periodically posted receivablesand revenues on a given key date.
The accrual/deferral therefore makes comparison of periods or aforecast for the future possible, when the posting of receivables orliabilities does not correspond with when the expense was incurred orrevenue earned.

Functions for accrual/deferral are closely linked to periodic postingsfor the Real Estate general contract:
At the level of the condition items, it is possible to agree on bothdebit-side and credit-side transactions in the contract. The fullamounts of these condition amounts are posted on the contract. If thecontract type allows it, however, you can assign objects per conditiontype (for example, business entity, rental unit, building, and so on).Then, you use equivalence numbers to determine the cost (creditcondition) or revenue share (debit condition) to be transferred to theobject during the periodic postings.
In the same way, during distribution of costs/revenues to objects, theaccrual/deferral postings are assigned to their respective objects.
At the moment, it is not possible to post sales accruals/deferrals forgeneral contracts.

Before you can post an accrual/deferral, you have to make a number ofCustomizing settings. You must assign the flow category 'EAAR' and theaccrual type 'no accrual/deferral' to each reference flow type.
Example of credit-side conditions:
You want to create 4 new reference flow types in each case (for exampleV111, V112, V113, V114). The reference flow types are then assigned tothe credit-side flow types (for example, basic rent - credit-side V100)You define the account determination for application '109'. Thecontract category remains '3'.
Example: Default for flow type V100 basic rent credit-side
Description,,Descr.Key,,,,Ref.Flow Type,,,,TransIndic
Deferral clearing (in advance),,05,,,,V112,,,,07
Deferral (in advance),,07,,,,V114,,,,08
Accrual clearing (in arrears),,06,,,,V111,,,,07
Accrual (in arrears),,08,,,,V113,,,,08
Distribution transfer postings for objects with credit-side conditions:
If you execute transfer postings for objects, you have to create 4 newreference flow types for the transfer of the objects (for exampleV511-V514). These flow types are assigned to the transfer transactiontype (for example V500). You define the account assignment for theapplication '109', the contract category remains '3'. Note the changedtransaction indicator. The transfer transaction type is also displayedfor comparison.
Example: Default for flow type V500 transfer to objects
Description,,Descr.Key,,,,Ref.Flow Type,,,,TransIndic
Deferral clearing (in advance),,05,,,,V512,,,,12
Deferral (in advance),,07,,,,V514,,,,11
Accrual clearing (in arrears),,06,,,,V511,,,,11
Accrual (in arrears),,08,,,,V513,,,,12
Transfer to objects,,34,,,,V500,,,,12


On the initial screen, you can make your entries on the four tab pagesPosting, Contract, Object, and Output parameters.
Posting Parameters:
Here you enter the data relating to the posting of the accrual/deferralrun. The accrual/deferral key date is most important because it is usedfor calculation of accrual/deferral amounts. If the "monthly accrualmethod" indicator is set in the contract, the last day of the month isused for the calculation (for example, for the key date January 1, thedate January 31 is used). The system defaults today's date for thedocument date and posting date.
The 'Simulation' indicator determines whether the data from theaccrual/ deferral run is updated on the database. The 'document splitfor transfers' indicator is only relevant, if you agreed on thedistribution of costs/revenues to objects in the respective contracts.
Contract or Object Parameters:
Here you define the contracts in the company code for whichaccruals/deferrals are to be executed on the key date.You can also dothis by selecting the objects assigned to a contract. You can alsoselect the contracts using sets of RE objects.
Output Parameters:
Here you can also specify display variants for the lists. If you wantto execute the accrual/deferral run in the background, you can definethe parameters for the batch job.
The transaction ID is 'CNAB'.

The report displays an (ALV) list containing the transaction recordsgenerated in the run. It is also possible to go directly to the displayof the objects, to a posting log (documents, posted documents), and toan error log.

To reverse accrual/deferral postings, you can use transaction F01T(Report RFVISL71). Keep in mind that it is only possible to reverse thelast run that took place.

Example for lease-in paid in advance (3 months paymt. cycle 1000 UNI):
Vendor(Clearing Acct) Lease-In Costs (470800)
1) - | 3000 3000 | - (V100)
2) - | - - | -
3) - | - - | -
Prepaid Rent (470690) Deferred Expense (98000)
1) - | 2000 2000 | - (V114)
2) 1000 | - - | 1000 (V112)
3) 1000 | - - | 1000 (V112)
Example for lease-in paid in arrears (3 months paymt. cycle 1000 UNI):
Vendor(Clearing Acct) Lease-In Costs (470800)
1) - | - - | -
2) - | - - | -
3) - | 3000 3000 | - (V100)
Rent Paid in Arrears (470680) Other Liabilities (179100)
1) 1000 | - - | 1000 (V113)
2) 1000 | - - | 1000 (V113)
3) - | 2000 2000 | - (V111)