Programme SAP RFVIRE01 - Invoice for Rent on Basis of FI Documents: Correspondence

The report prints invoices for rent.
Via an icon on the selectionscreen, you can decide if you will print an invoice for each

  • rental agreement

  • or whether you send a collective invoice to every
  • customer for his/herrespective rental agreements (taking other criteria intoconsideration).
    When you print collective invoices, all rental agreements whose addresstype is the same, whose amounts are in the same currency and whosecustomer is the same are grouped together for onepayment method is the sameare grouped together for one customer. If a customer, for example, hasa residential address for some rental agreements and a commercialaddress for others or if he/she has selectedpayment methods, thecustomer thus receives various invoices. The same applies if thecurrencies in the customer rental agreements are different.
    You can also determine whether
    • only open items should be processed which have not yet been billed (the
    • system links every rental agreement to the open items which have beenbilled),
      • or whether you want to carry out a repetition run for open items which
      • have already been billed.
        If you want to reorganize the link between the rental agreements andopen items, you have to enter the due month and due year up to whenreorganization should be carried out in theselection screen. The linkis then deleted between rental agreements and billed open items for allopen items up to the month and year entered.
        If you also want to print a payment medium with the invoice, enter theidentification in the "Form ID for payment medium" parameter. If you donot want to print a payment medium, leave this parameter blank. If youenter, "bank transfer" as the payment method, a transfer form will beprinted (regardless of the payment method indicated in the items).

        To print a payment medium, you must have maintained Customizing forpayment medium print.
        All amounts must be in the same currency for a rental agreement.
        One-time preparations
        Transport the text modules delivered for this purpose from client 000to all the clients which you want to print invoices for rent in. To dothis, execute the report RSTXTCPY in every target client using thefollowing parameters:

        • Text name:,,,,,,,,,,'*'

        • Language:,,,,,,,,,,,,Indicator of language used

        • Text ID:,,,,,,,,,,,,'*'

        • Source client:,,,,,,,,'000'

        • Text name for target client:

        • Flow trace:,,,,,,,,'X'

        • Object name:,,,,,,,,,,'FVVI_SOST'

        • You should be aware that the text modules already available withthe same name in the target client will be overwritten during thistransport.
          IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
          Execute function
          Maintain text objects and text ID's
          The text modules which are used in letters are identified by a textobject, a text ID and a name. The modules delivered for thisapplication are assigned to the text object 'FVVI_SOST'. You can usethe delivered text objects and text ID's as your own text modules orcreate new ones.
          Check whether the text object 'FVVI_SOST' and the accompanying text IDare available.
          IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
          Customizing text objects: Execute function
          Customizing text ID's: Execute function
          Maintain letters
          Before you initially run the report you require at least one formletter for the invoices for rent in the word processing system whichyou use for correspondence.
          These letters are stored in the document group SOST.
          Note: If printing is carried out in the background for bulk processing,the form letters from the document group BTCH are used. The form letterfor the invoice for rent is SOST-BATCH.
          Check whether this requirement has been fulfilled.
          IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
          Customizing letters: Execute function
          Customizing letter-module relationship: Execute function

          For further information, see the description of the correspondenceinterface.

          You can display the following data in the letter:

          • Print date which appears on letter: Field VISCRIPT-DRUCKDTM.

          • You use a field, for example the print date 'VISCRIPT-DRUCKDTM', in aSAPscript letter in whichyou have entered the field names between two '&' in the letter text,for example <(>&VISCRIPT-DRUCKDTM&<)>. The print date is printedinstead of this symbol. By additionally entering '(CZ)', you cansuppress blank spaces (C) and leading zeros (Z) in the display. If forexample, a field 'BSID-WMWST' exists for a tax amount, you write<(>&BSID-WMWST(CZ)&<)>. You are able to use these two additionalfeatures individually or combine them with others in accordance withthe SAPscript description.
            • If the invoice only refers to one rental agreement, you are already
            • able to print the rental agreement number (field VIMIMV-SMIVE) incontinuous text as well as in the open item list. The number of rentalagreements which appeear in the invoice, are contained in the fieldVISCRIPT-CNT_MV.
              • Customer number: Field VISCRIPT-KUNNR.

              • Due period for rent: From VISCRIPT-DINVFROM to VISCRIPT-DINVTO.

              • Rent payment method: Field VISCRIPT-ZAHLWEGTXT.

              • For conversion to another currency:

              • Currency to which is converted: Field VISCRIPT-SWHRKNDCUK.
                Key date of conversion (based on the average rates valid on that day):Field VISCRIPT-DEXCHCUK.
                • Address of the landlord: Fields in structure BKADR.

                • Address of the customer: Fields in structure DEBIADR.

                • Name and form of address texts for the customer: Fields in structure
                • RNAMDEBI.
                  • Address and telephone number of clerk: Fields in structure ALLGSBADR.

                  • The clerk is assigned to one of the business entities which belong tothe rental agreements in the invoice.
                    • Name and form of address texts for the clerk: Fields in structure
                    • structure RNAMDEBI.
                      • Open items, address of the rented property for the respective item as
                      • well as the tax rate and ID of the tax code in the open item: Fields instructures BSID (open items) and SANS1 (address of rented property),fields T007S-TEXT1 (tax code ID ), VIMI01-SNUNR and TIV0A-XKBEZ (usagetype of leased property and names of this usage type), VIMI01-SGEBT andTIV1B-XGEBM and TIV1B-XGEBK (rented property part of building and namesof this part of building), VIMI01-RLGESCH and TIV3H-XMLGESCH andTIV3H-XKLGESCH (location of rented property in storey and names of thislocation), VIMI01-SSTOCKW and TIV3G-SSTOCKK and TIV3G-XSTOCKL andTIV3G-XSTOCKM (rented property storey and names of this storey), aswell as the fields of BSID_ZUS not belonging to BSID, to be by a loopvia the TAB_BSID_ZUS.internal tableTAB_BSID_ZUS.
                        The items are sorted according to rental agreements and the address ofthe rented property is only displayed for the first item of a rentalagreement.
                        • Payment methods of customer in the company code: Fields of structure
                        • company code RVVKNB1, tobe filled with a loop via internal table TAB_RVVKNB1.
                          • Partner data for the object types business entity, property, building,
                          • rental unit and rental agreement, including owners: This data is storedin various tables. These tables have fields in addition to the addressdata that help you to select partners according to certain criteria(for instance, by role category or by real estate object).
                            You can also link the entries from this table together which belong toa specific partner.
                            You can print out the fields of the structures ADRS_ROL (to be filledby a loop via TAB_ADRS_ROL), RFVPRT_ROL (to be filled by a loop viaTAB_RFVPRT_ROL), SANS1_ROL (to be filled by a loop via TAB_SANS1_ROL),SPAB1_ROL (to be filled by a loop via TAB_SPAB1_ROL), SPKO1_ROL (to befilled by a loop via TAB_SPKO1_ROL), SPBB1_ROL (to be filled by a loopvia TAB_SPBB1_ROL) und BNKA_ROL (to be filled by a loop viaTAB_BNKA_ROL).

                            Further information
                            Documentation of a subsequent program