Programme SAP RFVIMWVW - Adjustment of Fee Types and Tax Codes for Management Contracts

This report changes the fee type for all management contracts as of aspecified date.
The report can be used if a new sales tax is set and a new taxindicator is set in F1 for this change to the tax. This means that newfee types must be created in Customizing.
The report selects all contracts and sets the new fee type for the"valid from" to valid and sets the old one to invalid.

  • Without Customizing adjustment:

  • The old fee type as well as the new fee type must be defined inCustomizing. The fee type and tax indicator are required fields for thefee data.
    • With Customizing adjustment:

    • The old fee type has to be defined in Customizing. The new Customizingsettlements are saved with the same values using another key.
      Make sure that the contracts concerned are not changed for the runtimeof the reports by taking the appropriate organizational measures ( blocking the transactions FO82, FO83, FO86, FO88, FO8I).

      A list is issued of all contracts that are affected by the change. u

874169RE general contract: changes to sales/purchase tax