Programme SAP RFVIMVDI - Direct Input Lease-Outs: Import File

This report reads an existing flat file, checks the rental agreementsin it and stores these on the database.
Before the actual data transfer, you can carry out a test run withoutmaking any entries on the database. There are three types of messagesfor the check: information, warning and error. If error messages occur,that particular rental agreement cannot be updated later. You have tocorrect the error first (report rfvimvsh).
You can specify during the update run whether to ignore errorsencountered or to cancel the rental agreement update. Rental agreementsthat the system was not able to update are stored in the output file.This file has the format of a flat file; that means it may be correctedwith report rfvimvsh and then reimported.
The results of the test run as well as the update run are displayed ina log. For every error that occurs the log outputs information in thefollowing format:
[ -]
Note: Certain checks cannot be executed during the test runs. Forinstance, a rental agreement number that has been assigned more thanonce in the flat file will not be recognized because the rentalagreement number match only takes account of the agreements stored onthe database. Even if a successful test run is no guarantee for asuccessful update run, you should always run a check before the actualupdate.