Programme SAP RFVIMULTI01 - Real Estate - Create Test Data in Multicash or DTAUS Format

Generate test files for the electronic account statement entry for RealEstate (IS-RE).

Use these test files for the implementation of electronic bankstatements as required in Customizing settings.
Use data generated with this program (RFVIMULTI01) to
Change a view maintenance retroactively
Update the account statement files with the help of program RFVIMULTI02
Both MULTICASH and the bank processes (special DTAUS) file formats aresupported.
You can choose between simulated credit memos or returned debit memos.
These programs are only for use in the test systems!!
The electronic account statement entry is used for the automaticassignment of incoming and outgoing payment flows to house bankaccounts (transfers, checks,...) to the corresponding open items(already posted in the system) on customer, vendor or clearingaccounts. If possible these are cleared. In the case of a returneddebit memo, the clearing is reversed and new open items are generated.
In the implementation phase (especially in Customizing) there areusually two obstacles that hinder a quick and efficient implementation:
Difficulties in generating account statement files (UMSATZ.TXT andAUSZUG.TXT for MULTICASH or AUSZUG.TXT for the DTAUS format). Manyimplementation errors are due to files that have not been properlygenerated and contain formatting errors.
Difficulties in using files from the bank as the files are usually verybig.
This program allows you to calculate open items in rental agreements ofany company code (however the system does not take account of thepayment method) and to simulate returned debit memos and generate theresulting account statement data for a house bank account.
The company code of the house bank must not be the same as the companycode on the rental agreements. If required, data generated in thismanner can be manually changed using the view maintenance before it isrecorded.
You can read in the files directly with the read-in program RFEBKA00amd test the settings in Customizing and the general functions ofprogram RFEBKA00.

Create a house bank and a house account in the company code for thestatements for which the account statements are to be generated.
The general ledger account in the house bank account master data has tobe maintained (for example G/L account 113100).
If necessary create customers and rental agreements with open items.
For returned debit memo simulation, the clearing of open items must betriggered using, for example, a payment program.
The following external process keys have to be assigned to the processtype that is linked to the house bank:


  • Transfer credit memo: 051
    Returned debit memo : 009
    • DTAUS

    • Transfer credit memo: 52 000
      Returned debit memo : 09 051

      You can make the following settings on the selection screen,RFVIMULTI01:

      • Statement data: You can enter the house bank, house account, required
      • statement date and house bank company code.
        • Rental agreement selection: You can enter a valid company code for the
        • rental agreement and select the required rental agreements. The numberof data records (sales) can be set at a maximum of 3 for test purposes.
          • Required format: Select either MULTICASH or DTAUS format.

          • Business transactions: Specify the business transactions to be
          • simulated. If you have selected the DTAUS procedure, you can onlyimplement credit- or returned direct debits.

            Program output
            After the test data has been generated the program issues a listcontaining an overview of information.

            • Account information: Company code and house bank account information
            • for the statement files generated is displayed. The statement numberneeded in progam RFVIMULTI02 is of special importance.
              • The required format is displayed.

              • Credit memos and returned debit memos: You can see what has been
              • generated. Details such as the rental agreement (credit memo), clearingdocument number (returned direct debits), sales amounts and and thestatement date are displayed.