Programme SAP RFVIMK10 - Tenant Account Sheet: Screen List

Tenant account sheet

The tenant account sheet is an overview of the tenants' open andcleared items. Only payable items are taken into account.


Select items you want to display by entering either a real estateobject/rental agreement or a customer/partner. As a rule only payableitems are selected.
Other selection criteria:

  • Only open items as of key date: Only open items that have a
  • posting date afer the date entered are selected. If there are openitems before the key date, a warning message is issued.
    • Only open items: All open items (irrespective of key date) are
    • displayed.
      • Open and cleared items as of key date: All open and cleared
      • items are selected that have a posting date after the entered key date.If there are open items before the key date, a warning message isissued.
        • Open and cleared items, key date for cleared items : Cleared
        • items that have a posting date after the key date. The key date isignored for open posts.

          The left-hand side of the screen contains a navigation tree thatdisplays the customers selected and their collective rental agreements/rental agreements. Move the splitter to display customer addresses. Onthe right the items are displayed in correspondence with the selectednodes in the tree. For example, if a customer is selected on the left,a list appears containing all the customer items sorted according todue date.
          The items are usually grouped according to documents and due date - allitems belonging to a document with the same date are grouped togetherand appear as one entry in the list. The entry text is taken from thedocument header. Check the checkbox in the initial screen (inputoptions) if you do not want to display the items individually.
          Open items are highlighted in color. If the items are displayed in thegroup form, a line is displayed as an open item if the line contains anopen item.

          Doubleclick a line in the list to display the corresponding document.

331425Tenant account sheet: Euro Customizing
207294Error SG105 in tenant acc. sheet/display open items