Programme SAP RFVILICB - ICI forms print


The aim of this report is to print ICI (Imposta Comunale sugliImmobili) forms using the information from the data dictionary tableVILIC (ICI master data).

It uses a sapscript form called ICI_FORM which has a 'LEGAL' pageformat (355 mm x 215 mm). For the output to be compatible with thereal dimensions of ICI bulletins (331 mm X 101 mm), you must customizea page format with these dimensions, and assign it in the basicsettings of ICI_FORM sapscript. To do so, use the spool transaction:SPAD -> full administration -> field device types -> page formats.

There are several selection parameters. However, each form refers to acity and its values are the sum of the values of all ICI records ofthat city.