Programme SAP RFVIEUR2 - RE: Compar.After EURO Conv.To Check if Amounts Correctly Converted

This program outputs for all the tables of Real Estate Management(IS-RE) and any related tables that you indicate on the selectionscreen the contents of the key fields, amount fields (CURR type) andcurrency fields (CUKY type) in the two clients entered.
The program verifies that the related amounts in the two clients havethe conversion factor specified (apart from the permitted roundingdifferent). Amounts that do not fulfil this requirement arehighlighted.
The amounts are not processed according to currency. They always havetwo decimal places.
You can only enter one conversion factor.
For the program to function properly in most cases, you should choose aconversion factor that applies to the old currency that is mostfrequently used.
Example: For every thousand DEM amounts, you have used one amount inanother European currency. Then you enter the conversion factor for theconversion from DEM to EUR. For each group of thousand DEM amounts, noerror is reported. For the other single amount, an apparent "error" isreported since the conversion to EUR using this factor is not correct.
Thus the result you receive is correct in most cases.
Finally, those tables in the two clients that have no currency fieldwith 'EUR' content are output.
The purpose of the program is to compare after conversion to the eurothe amounts in the old currency (in one of the two clients) with theamounts in EUR (euro) currency in another client.