Programme SAP RFVIESR9 - CH: Special Real Estate POR Program

This batch input program, RFVIESR0, is used to compile customerincoming payments that, in accordance with the Swiss post POR pocedures(VESR) or bank (BESR) procedures, are supplied on a data carrier. Abatch input session is created and open items are balanced with it.
The report supports the procedure with a nine figure participant numberas well as supporting the old procedure of five figure participantnumbers.
You can only use the real estate invoice number as an additionalcriteria for selecting open items if you use a nine figureparticipation number or the transaction type "Credit memo". In allother cases, you select these open items without this additionalcriteria.

The content of the data carrier has to be transferred to a UNIX file.RFVIESR0 requires a cleaned version on which there are records of 100bytes in length.
If the original file is supplied on MS-DOS discs (3 1/2" or 5 1/4")
they can be used for report RFESR100.
The report RFESR100 has to be adapted for formats from any other datacarriers.
In the settings menu for Accounting, you have to maintain the documenttype, the company code, the incoming payment account and the paymentclearing account for creating the batch input sessions.
You also have to enter the customer identification number for the bankPOR. You must not (and cannot) fill this field for the post POR.
Execute function

The report issues an overview from which you can see which postings arein the batch input session:
Abbreviation, meaning
TA,,Transaction type in credit record type 3
ZE,,Incoming payment account PTT or bank
VR,,Clearing account PTT or bank
BSL,,Posting key
1. Scenario: Credit memo (TA 1 or 2), document available
Result: FBZ1 posting with posting key for debit posting 40 and accountIP, posting key for credit posting 15 and cusomer account
2. Scenario: Credit memo (TA 1 or 2), document available
Results: FB01 posting with posting key for debit posting 40 and accountIP, posting key for credit posting 50 and account VR
3. Scenario: Reversal (TA or 5)
Results: FB01 posting with posting key for debit posting 40 and accountVR, posting key for credit posting 50 and account ZE
4. Scenario: Correction (TA 7 or 8)
FB01 posting with posting key for debit posting 40 and account IP,posting key for credit posting 50 and account VR
The customer account number and an abbreviation is also included in theG/L line:
-GS-Az,,for credit memos that are cleared
-GS-oB,,for credit memos without a document
-Korr,,for corrections
-Storno,,for reversal
In the text field of the debit and credit items, the procedure type(credit memo, credit memo without document, correction, reversal) andthe POR number is recorded.
In the document header text, there is a micro film number and the inputdate (payment date) in the form of day, month (DDMM).
The procedure type and the POR number is also issued in the test log.