Programme SAP RFVICPTC - SAPscript Correspondence: Customizing Check

SAPscript Correspondence: Customizing Check

This report runs plausibility checks on the Customizing settings ofSAPscript correspondence for the Real Estate Management (RE) component.It is able to identify problems that might arise when using thecorrespondence function.
The report does not change any data. Any existing inconsistencies orother errors have to be removed using other tools.


The correspondence programs of SAPscript correspondence generally createdocuments in the language of each letter recipient. Therefore, thecorrespondence function must be set up for all languages that may berequired.
Execute the Customizing check for each language by setting the languagein the selection screen.

The program checks the following Customizing settings:

  • Basic settings

  • The data record for the basic settings must be available.
    The linked word processing system is "SAPSCRIPT".
    (If you use individual print programs to call up another word processingsystem, this Customizing check does not apply to you.)
    Possible solution: Make settings in the Customizing activity "TextProcessing and Optical Archive Link" (transaction FOLU).
    • Text modules: Summary

    • Text modules must exist for the FVVI* text objects, in other words, aclient copy of the text modules from client 000 has to have taken place.
      No errors occur during a test read of the text modules for the FVVI*text objects. An error has occurred if, for example, any subsequentlyused Text IDs of a text object are deleted.
      Possible solution: Execute the Customizing activity "Execute Client CopyText Modules" (transaction FOLR) as a one-time preparatory measure whensetting up the correspondence.
      • Text modules: company code-dependent texts

      • The parameters Text ID, Header text, Footer text, Signature and Sendermust be filled in for all company codes with activated AssetsManagement.
        The corresponding text modules must exist.
        Possible solution: Execute the Customizing activity "Company CodeDependent Texts for Headers and Footers ".
        • Letters: Header information (form and report)

        • An active form must exist in either the current client or in client 000for the selected language.
          The name you entered for the print program must exist as a report.
          Possible solution: Customizing activity "Maintain letters -> Letters ->Details". From here you can move to the form maintenance screen(transaction SE71).
          • Letters: Text list (references to text modules)

          • The text list must contain at least one entry.
            At lease one text module must exist for each entry in the text list forthe selected language. A text module with the text ID 'TEXT' must alsoexist for entries that are output without any special form routine (mostcommon).
            If an entry in the text list is to be output using a specific formroutine, the specified report must exist. (The Customizing check doesnot check whether the form routine itself exists.)
            Possible solution: Customizing activity "Maintain letters -> Textmodules for letter".
            Note: Form routines for the output of text list entries control the useof text modules themselves. One typical case is the output of tableswith several line types (header, table and foot areas) which is carriedout using text modules with different text IDs. In this case, theCustomizing check cannot check the correctness of the reference of thetext modules in the source text of the form routines.
            • Correspondence activities

            • At least one entry for partner roles and letters must be assigned to acorrespondence activity.
              The correspondence activity should be assigned to a correspondenceapplication so that it appears in the F4 help. However, this is not arequirement, just a suggestion.
              Possible solution: Customizing activity "Define correspondenceactivities".

199301SAPscript correspondence: Customizing tools