Programme SAP RFVICOPY - Real Estate Master Data Objects - Environment Analysis and Copy Link

Copying master data

This program enables you to copy master data.
You choose the master data to be copied in the "Select Real Estateobjects", situated in the upper section of the screen.
In "Data for the new master data objects and rntl agrmnts", you canspecify:
if it is a test run or a live run
in which company code the copy of the object should be created
the date of the first debit position that should take place in thecompany code.
In the "Information on number assignment", you can set the factors forthe numbers to be assigned. If you check the fields "Internal numberfor...", the system assumes that you have no preference for the numberof the object in question and the number is assigned automatically inthe target company code. If you do not check these fields, you canenter a number for the target object in the following screen.
In this case, you can elect to have the proposed values for the newnumbers (apart from rental agreements). The program proposes the oldnumbers as new numbers for the business entity, building, property andrental units. You can also overwrite the numbers in the list.

You get a list of the selected objects. If you have not checked theparameter "Internal numbers for...", you can enter new numbers forobjects.
If you want to make a copy, check the objects to be copied in the list.We strongly recommend copying all the objects; as a minimum, thesuperordinate object must be copied. Changing the individualsubordinate objects later is not possible; you would have to do thiscopy manually. When copying the rental agreement, the adjustmenthistory is also copied.
You make the copy by calling up the relevant master data transactionthat is processed in the background. Superordinate objects are createdfirst of all. The program gets the number of the newly created objectfrom the transaction and passes it on to the subordinate objects thatstill have to be created.
You want to copy a business entity with a building. The business entityis created first of all and the number that is assigned is used tocreate a building for this business entity.
If there is an error during the processing of the transaction, thecorresponding screen mask is highlighted. Rectify the error. Theprogram continues processing automatically or stops at the next screenthat contains an error.

  • There is a required field in the target company code that does not
  • appear in the source company code. The corresponding masks aredisplayed. Follow the error messages and complete the required field.Press ENTER.
    • In the target company code, the customer for the main contract partner
    • of the rental units existed already. The program tries to create thecustomers and remains in the partner mask with the message that thecustomer is already available. Press save. The program continuesprocessing.
      After the copy has been successfully made, you get a log that containsall messages that were issued during creation of the new master dataand the numbers assigned to the master data. Print the log.
      With F3, you branch back to the original list. If necessary, you cancall up the log once again.
      The following actions can be initiated from the list:
      Set the rental end in the "old" agreements:
      Call up "Change objects" for each rental agreement row and set the enddate manually (1 day prior to the first debit position in the newcompany code). Ensure that rental agreements ending before this dateare not assigned an end date (rental end or termination date prior tothe first debit position in the new company code). Terminations thatare already in the system must be manually entered into the new companycode.
      List of customer's open items:
      Items on the customer accounts that still have to be cleared have to becopied into the new copy code. This transfer posting has to be carriedout manually. If required, items for the advance payments made (credititems, such as special G/L indicator, K) must be copied. Call up thelist, print it and, if required, transfer the items. Incoming paymentsthat have not yet been posted or debit runs that have not beencompleted can lead to postings at a later date that must then betransferred into the new company code.
      The settlement units have to be manually created in the company code.
      To specify which settlement units are available in the source companycode for the objects selected, call up the function "Settlement units"for each line that concerns a business entity. Print the list andmanually create the participant IDs and settlement units in the targetcompany code (once you have copied the master data).
      The items that have already been posted to the "old" settlement unitsmust be transferred manually (credit to the old settlement unit anddebit to the new settlement unit).
      The list of the posts to the "old" settlement units can be displayed byusing the function "Posts to SU".
      RESET N1
      Do not forget to execute the following actions:
      Generate the settlement participation of the new rental agreement inthe target company code.
      Activate the new rental agreements.
      Revising rental adjustments that have already been made:
      The rental agreements are copied into the new company code with theconditions that they had at the time of the copy (date of the 1. debitposition in the new company code). Future conditions are not copied. Ifnecessary, carry out rental adjustments.
      Identify the "old" master data with a suitable user status.
      Deletion indicators are only to be set if all actions in the "old"company code have been concluded (e.g. all debit positions, transferpostings to the customer accounts, settlements). Changes to the masterdata can be made from the list.
      If required, the master data in the new company code must be releasedfor posting.
      Check if further actions are necessary (such as data documentation,maintenance of note for the master data objects, maintenance of otherfields in the master data).