Programme SAP RFVICNTAX01 - Correction of Sales/Purchase Tax Code - General Contract

The tax on sales/purchases set by law is changed.
The report selects Real Estate general contracts based on the "ContractData" selection criteria (contract type, company code, contract number).Then the report converts the tax code of the contract conditions or thedefault condition setting, based on the formula you enter. You arerequired to enter at least one conversion formula. You can maintainadditional formulas by choosing "More...". The report generates a filethat is stored on the application server. You can correct the contractswith this file using the direct input method for Real Estate generalcontracts (transaction KCLJ, SAP Note 323963). In order togenerate this data file, you have to make entries in the input block"Data information to be written." These parameters contain defaultsbased on the standard system. You need to change them only if youchanged the direct input for general contracts in your own system todiffer from the standard.


  • Enhance the settings for tax rates as described in SAP Note 117983

  • .
    • If necessary, change the default entries for creation of contracts per
    • contract type.
      • Before processing the report, make sure that the necessary changes were
      • made in Customizing, as described in SAP Note 94364.
        • Check over the requirements for direct input for Real Estate general
        • contracts outlined in SAP Note 874169.
          • Check whether rent adjustments that were already carried out, but not
          • yet activated, need to be activated before the planned activation of thechange to the tax code.


            • After processing the report, continue as described in SAP Note 323963.

            • Make sure that no contract changes are made between the steps
            • "Correction to Tax on Sales/Purchase Code General Contract" and"Correcting Holdings Using Direct Input."
              • The system generates a log containing not only the technical data for
              • parameterization and the selection criteria, but also a list of thecontracts to be checked. This list contains contracts, for which newconditions were generated on the key date, but for which no entry wasgenerated in the cash flow on this date for the given originally validcondition.
                Example:,,Key date 01/01/2007
                Condition valid from 11/01/2006, frequency month 3
                The following entries were originally generated for the cash flow:
                ,,11/01/2006 - 01/31/2007
                ,,02/01/2007 - 04/30/2007
                Here you have to check if the newly generated cash flow meets therequirements of the change to sales/purchase tax.
                • Once you have successfully worked through this program, you must
                • regenerate your cash flows.

1003934RFVICNTAX01 for using user fields
874169RE general contract: changes to sales/purchase tax
960761Gen contract: Change to tax on sales/purch in flex periods