Programme SAP RFVIAR45 - Real Estate Rental Agreement Archiving: Index Table Structure

This is a sample program demonstrating the use of function modules forcreating an index based on existing archive files. Using the index thatis created, you can read individually selected data objects from thearchive files and display the data in the SAP System. The sample programRSARCH13 reads individual data objects from archive files.
This program notes the object ID of the data object, the logical name ofthe archive file and the offset in bytes of the data object. It thensaves the data together with the name of the archiving object in theindex table ARCH_IDX.
The index can also be created in parallel to the deletion program. To doso, you have to set the flag for creating the index in the deletionprogram settings in Customizing of the archiving object.
The following function modules are used:






  • Precondition
    Before you can create an index for the archive data, you must havepreviously generated archive files and subsequently deleted the datafrom the database.