Programme SAP RFVD_BAFIN_CLOSE_LOAN - Update CML Table for para 24 GBA and set VDARL-DCLOSE

This report fills the DCLOSE field in the loan master (VDARL) andtransfers the closed loan into table TTKWGDATA.

This report is part of the solution provided by SAP for the legalrequirements pertaining to article 24 of the German Banking Act.

The system reads those data records from table VDBEKI that have atransfer date for the transfer to FI (DANFIBU) that corresponds to therun date. The system checks these loans to determine whether
1.) the field DOPEN in the VDARL has been filled.
2.) no more planned records exist.
3.) no more open items exist in loans managed on the basis of customeraccounts.
4.) the book value is zero or less than one of the limits defined by theuser as a parameter.
Loans that fulfil the conditions listed above are transferred to theresulting set and are closed either automatically or by a user. Whenthe loans are closed they are automatically transferred to tableTTKWGDATA. The closing date in accordance with $24 GBA is also the rundate of the report. Moreover, the system enters the run date in theDCLOSE field in the table VDARL.
A reset of the closing procedure is not planned.

Technical Parameters:
Update BaFin Table Immediately (P_DARK):When you set thisindicator you control whether the system first displays an ALV list ofthe selected loans allowing you to close them manually or whether theloans are closed by the system straight away.
Size of Commit Block (P_COMMIT): Number of loans after which aCommit block is executed.
Run Date (P_DATE): Update date of the loans to be selected
Size of Internal Work Table (P_SIZE): Maximum row length of theinternal work table for VDARL You use these parameters to control theload on the main memory.
Limit Value for Book Value (P_BORDER): You use this parameter todefine the limit for the remaining book value from which a loan shouldbe closed. If you do not set this parameter then all of the loans with aremaining book value of zero or less fulfill criterion 4.
Company Code (PT_BUKRS): Selection criterion company code
Product Type (PT_GSART): Selection criterion product type
You use this parameter group to control which checks are run, in otherwords, which criteria are used to qualify a loan as closed.
Only Open Loans (P_VDARL): The DOPEN field in table VDARL must befilled.
No Open Items (P_OPEN): There must be no open items for thecontract.
No Planned Records (P_OPEN): There must be no planned records forthe contract.
No Remaining Book Value (P_REST): There must not be any open bookvalue for the contract (or limit value for book value).
Central Bus. Partner Activated (P_ZGP): You set this flag if youwant to use the SAP Business Partner.

The system displays a ALV list of the loans that fulfill the chosencriteria online and you can close the loans selectively.

972958KWG24c: Poor performance of program RFVD_BAFIN_CLOSE_LOAN
598851STM: Change in CML for BaFin KWG24c Release 4.0B to 4.6C