Programme SAP RFVDXSD1 - TRTMLO: XPRA Borrower's Note Loan Fill Purchase Price in Order

The XPRA RFVDXSD1 'Borrower's Note Loan Fill Purchase Price in Order'determines the purchase prices for all existing purchase orders andenters the values in the order table VDORDER.
If no preemption conditions have been entered, the disbursement rate inthe contract conditions (condition header) is assigned to the purchaseprice.
If preemption conditions have been entered, the system determines thecorrect condition for the order and calculates the purchase price as inorder management.

Restarting the program in case of error
If a database error occurs while the program is running, this could bedue to a technical error (lack of table space), data inconsistencies ora program error.
First check to see if the storage space is sufficient to accommodatethe new table entries.
If the program error still occurs, please contact SAP Treasury to carryout an error analysis.

What happens if you do not run the XPRA?
You can only omit running the XPRA if no borrower's note loan fileshave been entered (table VDORDER is empty for all clients). If you failto run the report program, the security price may be displayedincorrectly (value zero) when you display borrower's note loan orderscreated before Release 2F8.