Programme SAP RFVDXSD0 - TRTMLO: 2F8 BNL: XPRA for referencing (VDBEPP / VDBEPI)

The XPRA RFVDXSD0 'Borrower's note loans: XPRA for referencing (VDBEPP/VDBEPI)' determines which technical references are necessary for allthe existing borrower's note loans and enters the references in tablesVDBEPP and VDVEPI.

Restarting the program in case of error
If a database error occurs while the program is running, this could bedue to a technical error (lack of table space), data inconsistencies ora program error.
First check to see if the storage space is sufficient to accommodatethe new table entries.
You can restart the program at any time.
If the program error still occurs, please contact SAP Treasury to carryout an error analysis.

What happens if you do not run the XPRA?
The capital amounts are not calculated correctly and the results ofyour evaluations are wrong.

Special Case
If you have deleted references from the old dataset manually (forexample if no accrual/deferral was carried out before a repaymentposting, and thus an amortization record for the discount exists uponrepayment (up to Release 2.F6)), you will need to delete thesereferences again.
(Here, the affected field in table VDBEPI is S_SSDREF)