Programme SAP RFVDXPRAABGCUST40C - XPRA Customizing Accruals/Deferrals 4.5A LO/SE

The XPRA RFVDXPRAABGCUST40C converts the Customizing settings foraccrual/deferral for the Treasury components TR-LO (Loans) and TR-TM-SE(Securities).
The following Customizing tables are affected:
Source tables
Target tables
The entries in the source tables remain intact.
From Release 4.5A, there is a new accrual/deferral Customizing view forentering the following:
offsetting flows for accrual/deferral
the accrual/deferral method
the base interest flows
For more information, refer to the IMG documentation for thecorresponding components.

You must be upgrading the system from Release 3.0F or 4.0 to Release4.5A or higher. The settings are only converted if TR-LO or TR-TM-SE isin use and entries have been made in the Customizing tables. You canalso run the XPRA online for individual clients after the upgrade.

If conversion is successful, the system displays a correspondingmessage. A message is also displayed if any errors occur. In this case,refer to the long text for the message. Make sure that the Customizingsettings have been converted correctly before you carry out anaccrual/deferral run for an application. You can maintain the entriesto make individual changes.