Programme SAP RFVDWBS1 - Reporting List for Housing Statistics

Please note that this program is primarily designed to meet Germanreporting requirements and may not be relevant to your country.

The report program 'Reporting list for housing statistics' determinesthe capital amounts which have been approved but not yet disbursed(open commitments) according to financing type and commitment date. Theopen commitments are calculated on the basis of the commitment capital,capital reductions, capital increases and the disbursement obligation.If the commitment date has not been entered, the system uses the 'Startof term' date from the condition header.
The list discloses the loans approved and disbursed for housingpurposes and the status of the open commitments (for more information,refer to the quarterly statement on financing residentialconstruction).
An add-on to the program allows you to generate single statements,which list individual contracts and capital amounts. From theindividual statements, you can branch to the contract display byselecting individual items.

The financing type must be maintained for the loan. Hence, financingtypes must be defined in Customizing.

The layout of the reporting list corresponds to the original regulatoryreporting statement. You then copy the data over to the correspondingforms manually. The same program is used for the quarterly list and theannual list, since you can specify the reporting period.