Programme SAP RFVDREV0 - Balance Sheet Valuation of Foreign Currency Loans

You use this report program to determine the book values for yourforeign currency loans.

Before you can run this program, you may need to:
create new flow types
allocate programmed flow types
maintain posting specifications
The following settings are required:
Flow types

  • Write-up / Write-down

  • Write-down,,Flow category 'XD',,Activity indicator '08'
    Write-up,,,,Flow category 'XD',,Activity indicator '07'
    • Reset

    • If you want to use the function 'Reset valuation at key date +1', youneed to create reset flow types:
      Reset write-down,,,,Flow category 'XD_R',,Activity category '07'
      Reset write-up,,,,Flow category 'XD_R',,Activity category '08'
      • Translation

      • You need to create two 'translation' flow types (see 'Dependentfunctions' below):
        Translation write-down,,Flow category 'XF',,Activity category '08'
        Translation write-up,,,,Flow category 'XF',,Activity category '07'
        Programmed flow types
        Here, you need to enter the flow types and corresponding flowcategories.

        After the book values have been changed by the valuation program, thesystem automatically calculates the rate gains when the cash flow isgenerated and creates new 'translation' flow records.
        The system calculates the realized rate gain on the basis of thedifference between the value of the position outflow in local currencyand the book value in local currency (partial book value correspondingto the position outflow). Any changes to the book value which resultfrom previous valuations are not taken into account.
        The 'translation' amount is the proportion of valuations already madein relation to the position outflow. The total of the rate gain andtranslation amount is the 'effective' rate gain on the originalacquisition value.

833633BEW: Sample customizing for foreign currency loans
1165806Enhancing the contract currency conversion
307553BEW: Sample Customizing for foreign currency loan
547037BEW: Foreign currency valuation missing in cash flow
400234EUR: Balance in local cry euro due to balance sheet transf.
524975EUR: Rounding differences not taken off the books correctly
493495EUR: Rounding differences in local currency euro
492710BEW: Foreign currency valuation with zero position
485585BEW:foreign currency valuation and price gain determination
439393BEW:foreign currency valuation - program termination
439330BEW:exchange rate gain/exchange rate loss plnd record incor.
416026BEW: Foreign currency valuation for borrower's note loan
423922BEW: Foreign currency valuation and euro Customizing
371097EURO: Rounding differences w/ loans with local cry euro
399404EURO: supplement to Note 371097 (rounding differences)
371386BEW: Foreign curr.valuatn w/reset - COMMIT control