Programme SAP RFVDPSG0 - Rollover: Generate RFVDPSE0 for Select Options

Generation Program for the FVP0 Function Group (Select Options)

The program is started when you save changes made in the Customizingsettings for logical fields. However you can also start the programmanually. (This is recommended when configuring a new client.)

Since the Customizing table TDP0 is client-dependent, you need togenerate client-dependent programs. These are implemented usingincludes with client-dependent names. As the generated program isclient-dependent it is possible that if a large number of selectionfields are selected the program will be too big.
The report collects all the logical fields that have been defined asselection fields from all clients.
These are then defined as ranges in the generated program for the textmodule SELECT_OPTIONS_APPLY (approx. 2 lines per selection field) ->Include = LFVP0UC2.
Each range will be initialized per client (approx. 8 lines perselection field) -> Include = RFVP0UA2 per client.
The selection criteria are checked per client (approx. 40 lines perselection field) -> Include = RFVP0UB3 per client.
In addition, the system writes approx 20 lines per selection field perclient for the text module SELECT_OPTIONS_PROVIDE in the generatedprogram.
If you only have one selection field (for example, end of fixedinterest period), but it is activated in 10 clients, more than 1200lines are generated. (For SELECT_OPTIONS_APPLY2 + (8*10) + (40*10) +approx 600 lines of fixed program coding are generated and forSELECT_OPTIONS_PROVIDE (20*10)+ approx. 100 lines.)