Programme SAP RFVDPA02 - Update of VDPOPO Including Reassignment to 'Repaid'

Report program RFVDPA02 updates the capital amounts (RLOAM) in therollover file structure VDPOPO as of a certain calculation date. Ifrequired, it also reassigns the loans for which the remaining capitalor planned capital is zero to the appropriate registers.
A separate update is required because the capital amounts in VDPOPO arenot updated automatically by the system. Due to system architecture andperformance constraints, these amounts are only calculated when youfill a file.

  • Company code

  • Enter a company code. If you do not enter a company code, the rolloverfile structure is updated across all company codes.
    • Activity category, Main file, Version YYYYMM, Version no., File,
    • Register
      Here, you can specify which loans should be updated. Since all theentries are optional, you can also choose to only update certainregisters, regardless of which rollover file the loans are in.
      • Loan number

      • If you only wish to update a single loan, you can enter the loan numberhere.
        • Calculation date

        • Date as of which the capital amounts should be calculated.
          • Reassign if paid back?

          • If you want the loan to be reassigned to different register on thebasis of the newly-calculated capital amounts, you need to flag thisfield. If you use this option, you also need to enter the correspondingtarget registers.
            The loans are reassigned as follows:
            '' = 0 and '' <> 0:
            Loan is reassigned to the 'Plans repayment' register.
            '' = 0 and '' = 0:
            Loan is reassigned to the 'Is Repaid' register.
            The automatic reassignment function allows you to put loans which donot need to be rolled over (since the remaining capital is 0) into aseparate register. This is necessary if the remaining capital amountshave been reduced to zero since the portfolio selection (for example,as a result of a manually posted repayment).
            • Simulation

            • If this indicator is set, no changes are made to the database.
              • Log

              • If this indicator is set, the system generates a log.