Programme SAP RFVDKWGFLAG - Maintain GBA Reporting Indicator

List for maintaining attributes for messages relating to the GermanBanking Act for several business partners.

Business partners have already been created.
If you flag the field Borrower Subject to Reporting Requirements
, the system first only selects the partners where the field GBAReport has been maintained in the reporting data for the partner.
If the Evaluate Relationships field is maintained, the systemevaluates the relationships between the previously found partners withrelationship category BURC01 and any other partners. The GBA Reportfield must not necessarily be set for these partners, even if youhave selected the Borrower Subject to Reporting Requirementsfield. Likewise, the SCB Borrower Unit Number or the SCB BorrowerNumber for these partners do not need to correspond to the selection.

The system outputs a list in which the partners are listed according tothe name of the parent company. All of the subsidiaries are listedbelow the relevant parent company. The line containing the parentcompany is highlighted in colour.
You can make entries in and make changes to the three fields GBAReport, Borrower Entity Number, and GBA Number. Youneed to either set all three fields to their initial value or entermeaningful values. If you do not do this a warning message appears. Thesystem can still save the data however.