Programme SAP RFVDCPTC - SAPscript Correspondence: Customizing Check

SAPscript Correspondence Tool: Customizing Check

This report performs plausibility tests on the Customizing settings forthe SAPScript correspondence tool in the Real Estate (RE)component. It is therefore suitable for identifying early on anyproblems that can arise while using the correspondence tool.
The report does not change data. You need to use different tools toremove any existing inconsistencies.


The SAPscript correspondence program generally creates documents in thelanguage of the individual mail recipient. Therefore the correspondencetool needs to be configured for all relevant languages.
You carry out the Customizing check for each of the languages whilesetting the languages in the selection screen.

The program checks the following Customizing settings:

  • Basic Settings

  • The data record for the basic settings has to be available.
    The connected text processing program is "SAPSCRIPT".
    (If you are using a different text processing program with individualprint programs this Customizing check does not apply.)
    Possible solutions: Make the appropriate settings in the IMG Activity:Link Text Processing and Optical Archive (transaction FOLU)
    • Text Modules: Summary

    • Text modules need to be available for the text objects FVVI*. In otherwords, the client copy of the text modules for client 000 has to becompleted.
      No errors occur during the test reading of text objects FVVI*. An errorcould then arise, if the subsequently used text IDs for a text objectare deleted, for example.
      Possible Solution: Use the IMG Activity: Execute Client Copy TextModules (transaction FOLR) as a one-off preparation when setting upthe correspondence tool.
      • Text Modules: Company Code-Dependent Texts

      • The parameter text ID, header text, footer text, signature and senderhave to be covered for all company codes with activated financial assetsmanagement.
        The corresponding text modules have to exist.
        Possible Solution: Execute the IMG Activity: Company Code-DependentStandard Texts for Headers and Footers
        • Letters: Header Information (Form and Report)

        • An active form for the chosen language has to be available either in thecurrent client or in client 000.
          The name entered for the print program has to be available as a report.
          Possible Solution: IMG Activity: Maintain letters -> Letters ->Details. You can jump to form maintenance (transaction SE71) fromhere.
          • Letters: Text List (References to Text Modules)

          • The text list has to contain at least one entry.
            At least one text module has to be available for the selected languagefor each entry. Entries that the system outputs without a special formroutine (this is most often the case) have the added requirement that atext module with the text ID text is available.
            If an entry in the text list is to be output via a special form routinethen the specified report needs to be available. (The Customizing checkdoes not check whether the form routine exists.)
            Possible Solution: IMG Activity Maintain Letters -> Text Modules forLetter
            Note:The form routines for outputting text list entries control theapplication of the text modules themselves. A typical case is the outputof more than one line category (header, table and footer areas) that iscompleted using text modules with different text IDs. The Customizingcheck here is not able to check the correct reference for the textmodule in the source text of the form routine.
            • Correspondence Activities

            • You have to assign at least one entry from Partner Roles and Letters tothe correspondence activity.
              The correspondence activity needs to be assigned to a correspondenceapplication, so that it can appear in the F4 possible entries function.However, in this case it is referring to a warning.
              Possible Solution: IMG Activity: Define Correspondence Activities