Programme SAP RFVDASL0 - Loans: Account Analysis

The report RFVDASL0 is used to analyze subsidiary account documents forloan management for each company code. The program adds up debit andcredit postings (seperately) for each account and currency, anddisplays the balances for each account and currency.
Documents from Financial Accounting (FI) are not taken into account.
Archived documents are also not included.
Required fields:
You will need to enter the company code and contract number(s) in theselection screen.
Optional fields:
You can also restrict selection according to document numbers(subsidiary account) and posting date. If you enter both, only thosedocument numbers up to the specified date will be taken into account.

Checks are made to verify:

  • The existence of the contract in the company code

  • The existence of the accounts in the chart of accounts

  • The existence of the documents (account number)
  • Output
    The balances of the accounts are depicted as "debit to credit". Ifforeign currencies are evaluated, the first line in each account willcontain the sum of all currencies in the local currency (company codecurrency), and the following lines will contain the sum for eachcurrency.
    If you double-click on a particular account, the documents for thataccount will be displayed.
    Double-clicking on the totals line will generate a list of alldocuments. The documents are displayed according to document number andcurrency.

429868EUR: Balance differences for loans with local currency euro