Programme SAP RFUVBE00 - Print Program: Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases (Belgium)

The program creates the entries for the Belgian form for advance returnfor tax on sales/purchases (designated by "ARTS form" in thefollowing). It creates spool requests for theprintout.
Enter the program run date and the identification. Then, select eithertaxes on sales/purchases groupsor company codes. If you do not make an entry here,all tax on sales/purchases groups will be automatically selected.
There are two ways to print the forms:

  • If sales/purchases tax groups are selected, one form per group is
  • printed.
    • If company codes are selected, one form per company code will be
    • selected.
      It is not always guaranteed that the advance return for tax on sales/purchases will be generated for an entire taxable entity, and that theform will be presentable to domestic tax authorities. You shouldtherefore only use these forms for internal purposes.
      The SAPscript layout set, the tax number and the address of the taxauthority are those of the sales/purchases tax group to which thecompany code belongs.
      If you would like to reorganize data following the printout, select amaximal run date and a run ID. All data falling under these selectionswill be deleted from the database.

      Firstly you select and prepare the required data from the documents byrunning the program for the advance return on sales/purchases tax. Youidentify which data you require with the program run date and anadditional freely selected identifier. You specify a further parameterhere if the total should be separated by debit/credit. You can printthe totals according to debit/credit only if this separation has beenactivated. The separation procedure is carried out based on the debitand credit indicators as marked in the tax items.
      One-time preparatory measures
      Setting tables (Customizing)
      You make the following default settings via the correspondingcustomizing functions:
      Enter the country indicator for Belgium and allocate the combinationsof tax on sales/purchases codes, transaction keys, andtotal/debit/credit indicators to the base amount item in the layoutset. You can do this by dividing these combinations into base amountgroups and entering the symbol belonging to the group into the form. Ifthe amount will also be included in subtotals, carry-overs and grandtotals, you should also enter the other concerned groups forcombination. The fields tax group, version and arithmetic operation donot apply to Belgium, and you should therefore leave these fieldsblank.
      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
      Proceed accordingly for the tax amounts.
      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
      An example follows.
      For each sales/purchases tax group, enter the address of the taxauthority to which they should submit the advance return.
      Also specify the name of the layout set (explanation follows) and itsnumber of pages as well as the tax number for the advance return. Youcan also specify up to three text modules (SAPscript standard texts) inwhich you can enter word-wrapped text regarding this allocation.
      When you carry out this function, you go to the detail screen, and fromthere to the tax authority's address. From the detail screen, you canuse the path Goto -> Form to reach the processing of a specifiedform. For processing a text module, position the cursor on thecorresponding text name and then choose the path Goto -> Editor.
      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
      In the standard system, the taxes on sales/purchases groups have theaddress of the company code with the same name. If you change thedefault setting of the taxes on sales/purchases groups, you must alsochange their addresses.
      When carrying out this function, select the relevant sales controlcircuit and choose the path Edit -> Address.
      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
      In the standard system, every company code sets up a separate taxes onsales and purchases group which has the same name as the company code.If you do not do this, for instance, because several company codes aregrouped together to a single taxes on sales and purchases group, thenmake the corresponding allocation.
      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
      If you want to select by fiscal periods instead of calendar months inthe program for the previous advance return for tax on sales/purchases,all the company codes in question must have the samefiscal year variant for each run of the printprogram. Keep this in mind when allocating company codes tosales/purchases tax groups in customizing and with the selection ofseveral taxes on sales/purchases groups in this program.
      For a print separation when creating the advance return for tax onsales/purchases, allocate a printer to each of the individual taxgroups. In doing so you should enter UMKRS as the domain and the nameof the tax group as a value or the initial value for tax groups withouta printer specification.
      This is also valid for corresponding company codes, for which BUKRSfunctions as the domain.
      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'
      Creating and activating SAPscript layout sets:
      As a sample, copy the standard SAPscript layout set F_RUVBE___01 andadapt the copy/copies according to your requirements. Allocate each ofthese SAPscript layout sets, as described above, to the tax onsales/purchases groups for which it is needed.
      IF &DEVICE& = 'SCREEN'

      The following group numbers are related to the items on the 1994 ARTSform.
      RESET N1
      If you are using a tax code for invoices and credit memos, reverseddocuments will be handled as follows:

      • In reversed invoices the debit/credit indicator was changed. They will
      • therefore be included in credit memo items with this tax code.
        • Reversed credit memos will be included correspondingly in invoice items
        • with this tax code.
          Use the following procedure for tax codes which create a tax line itemon the debit and the credit side (i.e. acquisition tax, cocontractant):
          • Use transaction key VST to allocate the base amount to all base amount
          • items (81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88) and the tax amount to all inputtax-relevant tax amount items (59, 63).
            If you were to use transaction key MWS for this purpose, the +/- signsand balances in the form would be incorrect. Compare the followingexample for tax code E3.
            • Use transaction key MWS (double tax postings) for output tax-relevant
            • items (55, 56, 57 and for credit memos 64).
              • Do not assign transaction key MWS to a base amount group for
              • acquisition tax. For this type of tax, this key is only allocated totax amount groups for output tax.

                Following is an example showing how the tax codes for the 1994 Belgianadvance return for tax on sales/purchases will be divided into groups.
                RESET N1
                The following tax codes are given:

                • E3: acquisition tax (20.5%), for goods.

                • E3 is used for credit memos and invoices.
                  • ND: acquisition tax (20.5%), 50% of which is not deductible or
                  • allocatable for goods.
                    • NA: acquisition tax (20.5%), 50% of which is not deductible or
                    • allocatable for goods.
                      • V1: input tax (local).

                      • A1: output tax (local).

                      • These tax codes are allocated to the following groups:
                        • E3 / ND / NA for invoices:

                        • 59 (input tax)
                          55 (output tax)
                          81 (base amount)
                          86 (base amount)
                          • E3 / ND / NA for credit memos:

                          • 59 (input tax)
                            63 (output tax)
                            81 (base amount)
                            84 (base amount)
                            86 (base amount)
                            • V1 for invoices:

                            • 59 (input tax)
                              81 (base amount)
                              • V1 for credit memos:

                              • 63 (input tax)
                                81 (base amount)
                                85 (base amount)
                                • A1 for invoices:

                                • 01 (base amount)
                                  54 (tax)
                                  • A1 for credit memos:

                                  • 49 (base amount)
                                    64 (tax)
                                    The allocation of combinations to groups for base amounts is carriedout in Customizing as follows:
                                    Enter the country key for Belgium and proceed with:
                                    • A1 MWS H 03

                                    • A1 MWS S 49

                                    • E3 VST H 81

                                    • E3 VST S 81

                                    • E3 VST H 84

                                    • E3 VST H 86

                                    • E3 VST S 86

                                    • NA VST H 81

                                    • NA VST S 81

                                    • NA VST H 84

                                    • NA VST H 86

                                    • NA VST S 86

                                    • ND VST H 81

                                    • ND VST S 81

                                    • ND VST H 84

                                    • ND VST H 86

                                    • ND VST S 86

                                    • V1 VST H 81

                                    • V1 VST S 81

                                    • V1 VST H 85

                                    • The allocation of combinations to groups for tax amounts is carried outin customizing as follows:
                                      Enter the country key for Belgium and proceed with:
                                      • A1 MWS H 54

                                      • A1 MWS S 64

                                      • E3 MWS H 55

                                      • E3 MWS S 64

                                      • E3 VST S 59

                                      • E3 VST H 63

                                      • NA MWS H 55

                                      • NA MWS S 64

                                      • NA VST S 59

                                      • NA VST H 63

                                      • ND MWS H 55

                                      • ND MWS S 64

                                      • ND VST S 59

                                      • ND VST H 63

                                      • V1 VST S 59

                                      • V1 VST H 63
                                      • Output
                                        The program generates a list for each tax on sales/purchases groupselected. This list contains the base tax amount balances and taxamounts per tax code, transaction key and total/debit/credit indicator.The list is sorted according to the groups of tax amounts set up incustomizing and also contains the totals of the tax amounts for eachgroup.
                                        A corresponding sorted list is output for the base tax amounts.
                                        This program also lists the header data, amounts and selections in theaccompanying SAPscript layout set fields for each tax onsales/purchases group selected.
                                        Two documents (original and copy) are printed for each. In the case ofa selected print separation, the printout for each tax group is sent tothe printer allocated for that goup. If a printer was not allocated ora print separation was not selected, the output will go to the printernamed in the user master record.
                                        The report is not output immediately. Spool requests are created,which have to be specifically started.
                                        A list for the tax on sales/purchases groups is output at the end,showing the company codes for which the advance return was generated.
                                        If you select company codes instead of tax on sales/purchases groups,the output conditions described above will apply for company codes.

878552RFUVBE00: No output if 'Version' is used
819852Advnce retrn for tax on sales/prchses & elec tax retrn print
204972RFUMSV00: Deactivating document summarization (BSET)