Programme SAP RFUSVX10 - Data Medium Exchange with Disk

The program loads DME files onto a disk or hard drive. To do this, theuser must be logged on to the SAP System via a PC equipped withoperating system OS/2 or DOS and TCP/IP software.
The following DME files are allowed:
Annual sales report - Spain (created by program RFUSVS10)
Annual tax report - Belgium (created by program RFUSVB10)
You must specify the corresponding DME file type on the selectionscreen (ESP for Spain, B for Belgium). You also need to specify the DMEfile with the entire path in the UNIX file tree. Furthermore, you mustspecify the target drive (A, B or C etc.) and the name of the targetfile (for example, UMSMELD). If necessary, you can also designatesubdirectories. This is always necessary when writing to a hard drive,so that transaction data is not mixed with the system files which arefound, in part, in the root directory.


PC-specific requirements
The program can only be started from a PC. Otherwise, a message appearssaying that the disk drive was not found or that the disk drive andsubdirectory are not allowed.
For DME to be possible, the PC must be prepared accordingly:
The host must be allowed to access TCP/IP software.
For TCP/IP from Essex, the file PASSWD.TXT is to be created or extendedwith the entry:
,,[Blank line]
For TCP/IP version 1.21 from IBM, a similar file, TRUSERS. with thefollowing contents must exist:
,,users: SAPR3 SAP
,,rd: a:\ b:\
,,wr: a:\ b:\
,,[Blank line]
If this is not the case, a message appears saying that the host's loginto the PC could not be carried out.

SAP-specific requirements
A special feature is to be taken into consideration in this case, sinceyou are to write onto the hard drive (disk drive C). In the SAP System,you must also specify the subdirectory into which the file is to bewritten under the SAP System profile parameter 'dta/allow'. Only thencan you write on the disk drive C and the subdirectory.

Internal checking of files
Depending on the country variant specified, the files are subject to arough validation check. If the sequential file does not correspond tothe predefined country-specific characteristics, processing iscancelled with an error message. Therefore, it is absolutely necessaryto specify the correct country indicator ('ESP' for Spain and 'B' forBelgium).

724391RFUSVB10: Error incurred in Unicode systems