Programme SAP RFUSVS12 - Annual Sales Report (Spain) > on Disk

This program generates a data extract for annual sales reporting inSpain. It covers both vendors and customers, provided they have nowithholding tax code.
The data extract is created as a UNIX file.
This UNIX-File consists of the following four record types:
Record type 0: Sender details: Tax number (NIF), name, address and nameof accounting clerk, plus their telephone number
Record type 1: Totals information such as payables comprisingindividual amounts above and below a particular minimum/maximum amount
Record type 2: Output of vendors with annual sales
Record type 3: Output of leasing data
In the case of record type 3, data must be imported from a file. Thisfile must be accessible and the data it contains must be in the formatstipulated by the government agency. The file name (full path detailsas it is stored in the directory) must be entered on the selectionscreen.
For payables, the code "C" (compras) must be specified, and forreceivables, "V" (ventas). The totals for vendors with debit balancesare displayed as receivables; the totals for customers with creditbalances are displayed as payables. Note that this program ignoresthose vendors and customers that do not have a tax number. It followsthat for those vendors and customers created in Spain, the tax numbermust be entered in field LFA1-STCD1 or KNA1-STCD1 in the master record.
Every record type is of 180 characters in length.

To generate a sequential UNIX file, the full file path must be entered.
For example: /usr/sap/tmp/
If a part of this path is missing, the file may be saved to the wrongplace in the UNIX directory or it may not be possible to create it atall. In the latter case, the program will terminate with the messagethat the file could not be opened.
On the selection screen, enter:
Whether the entity responsible is a company code or a tax on sales andpurchases group
The name of the responsible company code or tax on sales and purchasesgroup
The telephone area code of the responsible entity
The actual telephone number of the responsible entity


Output on disk:
In the first instance, this program creates a sequential UNIX file. Thepath and the name of this file must be specified on the selectionscreen. Using program RFUSVX10, this UNIX file can then be saved to aDOS or an OS/2 disk. If more than one disk is needed, the data recordmust first be saved to the hard disk of the DOS or OS/2 computer, usingthe program referred to above. It can then be stored on further disksusing the BACKUP command (DOS or OS/2).

Output as list:
This program can also produce an output in list form. The structure ofthis list is essentially the same format as the UNIX file (four recordtypes where the file for leasing data is available, otherwise threerecord types).