Programme SAP RFUMSV48 - Entertainment Expense List

This report creates a list of entertainment expenses in the officialformat (list of entertainment expenses no. 2).
A detailed report is required for all entertainment expenses over W100,000, unless they are covered by a tax invoice or a credit cardreceipt. All that is required for the other expenses is the totals.
You post documents as follows:
Cr (vendor, employee, or G/L account)
Dr Entertainment expenses 1
Dr Entertainment expenses 2
Dr ...
Dr Entertainment expenses n
In the entertainment expenses line item, you can enter the name of thebusiness where the entertainment expenses were incurred (for example, arestaurant). Enter data as follows:

  • Text (BSEG-SGTXT): The address, the company name, and the name
  • of the person responsible, each separated by a comma.
    • Reference key 3 (BSEG-XREF3): The 10-digit VAT registration
    • number or the 13-digit ID number of the business. To access this field,when posting the document, choose More data.
      If the expenses line item does not contain a VAT registration number,but the expenses are posted to a vendor, the above data is read fromthe vendor master. Otherwise, it is read from the business place thatthe document is assigned to (G/L account posting). If the businessplace does not have a VAT registration number, the entertainmentexpenses line is shown in the error list.
      If the entertainment expenses line does contain a VAT registrationnumber or an ID number, it is shown in the list, as long as it is 10 or13 digits long. If not, the line is shown in the error list at thebottom of the list.
      If the entertainment expenses have been posted to an employee, all theexpenses lines have to be filled out with the appropriate VATregistration numbers and the above data, otherwise the employee's datais shown. This report also covers onetime accounts. To access adocument in the list, double-click its expenses line.

      On the selection screen, you must enter the numbers of theentertainment expenses accounts and the tax codes that were used topost the expenses. You must enter separate tax codes for entertainmentexpenses covered by tax invoices or credit card receipts, so that thetotals of these costs will be shown at the bottom of the list (in thestandard system configuration, tax invoice: X4; credit card receipt:Y4).

1509781New GL enhancements for the report RFUMSV48 South Korea