Programme SAP RFUMSV25_NACC - Deferred Tax Transfer

Normally, tax on sales and purchases is reported when an invoice isissued. The tax payable amount is calculated as the balance of the inputand output taxes and cleared in the subsequent period. The tax for sometransactions, however, can only be deducted on settlement. This iscommon in France (output and input tax) and Italy (input tax).

This program automatically makes the transfer posting for tax onsales/purchases periodically. The return must be filed within a certaintime period after the invoice is paid. Program RFUMSV25 first creates alog of the cleared customer or vendor invoices posted with deferred taxwithin the period. The program takes the tax amounts with their taxbases from the document tax items. Customer or vendor data and therespective clearing date are taken from the offsetting items. Tax itemsare only cleared if all the corresponding items have been cleared. Tomake the transfer posting for partial payments, the program creates acorresponding clearing item.
The program differentiates between partial payments and credit memos.The transfer posting for the tax amounts proportionally allotted tocredit memos is only made when all affected invoice items are cleared.
This report program carries out immediate transfer postings for thedeferred tax of down payments.


  • If you select the indicator "Carry out batch input" (resulting in
  • transfer postings for the deferred tax), this program can be startedONLY ONCE for EACH "Clearing date" you enter on the selection screen.
    • Customer and vendor line items with a posting key for payments without
    • special G/L indicator must not contain deferred tax.
      • Special G/L indicators to be considered must be entered on the selection
      • screen.
        • Down payment clearings must be posted using SAP standard transactions.

        • Partial payments can only be posted for one specific invoice at a time.
        • If a partial payment affects several invoices, a separate document hasto be posted for each invoice.
          • Each payment transaction has to be posted separately, that is, several
          • incoming or outgoing payments cannot be posted using just one document.
            • One period must be specified for the clearing date. The parameter "Open
            • items at key date" refers to the items in the account for deferred tax.
              • To be able to assign the tax amounts properly, you have to post the
              • invoice documents according to SAP conventions. If the program cannotprocess a document correctly, it will list the document in an error log.
                • Documents with more than one current account line and more than one G/L
                • account line that is relevant for tax cannot be processed. Thesedocuments are posted in an error log.
                  • This program is occasionally used by companies who have invoices in

                  • several currencies. If this is the case with your company, you should
                    note the following:
                    Only use the program for a single currency in each case, and enter
                    the currency that you wish to select in the "Document currency"
                    selection field.
                    In the configuration functions, ensure that the "Balances in local
                    currency only" field has not been selected for the relevant G/L
                    The exchange rate difference accounts for the relevant G/L accounts
                    must be configured correctly.
                    • The "Permitted special G/L trans." selection field controls which
                    • special G/L transactions are to be taken into account by programRFUMSV25. This field is for certain special cases only and no entry isnormally necessary.
                      • You cannot process down payments with bills of exchange. These are
                      • displayed in an error log.