Programme SAP RFUMSV00 - Advance Return for Tax on Sales/Purchases

The report creates the advance return for tax on sales/purchases, and,of required, also creates a batch input session
for automatic transfer posting of tax payable. The program can alsofill out the tax return, if required.
You can display the return at item level for each tax type (output andinput tax). Note, however, that even when you suppress the line iteminformation, the data is still taken from the individual
You can restrict the document volume by selecting the followingcriteria:

  • Posting date

  • Posting period (fiscal year and month)

  • Document date

  • Details of the run date and time saved in the document tax items during
  • a previous program run
    If you select the Update Documents: Update Run field,only document tax items without an entry for the date/time of a previousrun are selected. The date and time of the tax return program run arenoted on these tax items.
    You can restrict the number of company codesdirectly, or specify a tax on sales/purchase group
    , for which the relevant company codes are then automatically fetchedby the system.
    When the batch input session for the tax payable transfer posting isbeing created, a document is prepared for each country code selected. Inthis document, one item for the posting to the tax account, and one itemfor the posting to the tax payable account is created for each taxaccount.
    The program can also make preparations for filling out the advace taxreturn for tax on sales and purchases, if required. It enters the taxbalances per company code, the tax onsales/purchases code, the transaction key, and the total/debit/creditindicator, as well as the specific time period in the tables. The printprogram the uses these tables to determine the data required forprinting the tax return.
    You can configure user-specific output lists. Thesystem offers the functions of the ABAP List Viewer for configuring thelists.
    You can also prepare the data for your advance return for tax onsales/purchases in XML format and then send them to the tax authoritieselectronically.
    For more information, see the SAP Library under Financials ->Financial Accounting (FI) -> Financial Accounting General (FI) -> Taxes(FI-AP/AR) -> Taxes on Sales/Purchases, Sales Taxes, and AdditionalTaxes -> Advance Tax Return with XML.

    For a return in EURO, you have to perform the following activities inthe Financial Accounting IMG:
    Activate the local currency.
    Choose General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing-> Reporting -> Sales/Purchases Tax Returns -> ActivateAlternative Local Currency for Advance Tax Return.
    Assign the EURO currency to program RFUMSV00.
    Choose General Ledger Accounting -> Business Transactions -> Closing-> Reporting -> Sales/Purchases Tax Return -> Specify Alternative LocalCurrency for Sales/Purchases Tax Return.
    To run the program, select the Alternative Local Currency field.
    Before you can use the batch input function for the automatic taxpayable transfer posting, you have to make the following settings inCustomizing:
    For the chart of accounts used, assign a tax payableaccount, and the posting key for debit andcredit postings to this account to the transaction key 'UMS'. Checkwhether this prerequisite has been fulfilled.
    Carry Out Assignment
    Tax balances are transferred to this account if it is not overriden byspecifying a different tax payable account on the selection screen.
    For more information, see the Implementation Guide.
    You can maintain variants for the program.
    Maintain Variants

    If you make a restriction according to posting date, fiscal month, ordocument date, the system displays the run date and time that wereupdated in the document tax items.
    The tax data can be output in lists with different summarization levels:

    • Line item list with output tax per company code

    • Summary list with output tax per company code

    • Line item list with input tax per company code

    • Summary list with input tax per company code

    • Line item list of documents with tax differences per company code

    • Summary list with tax balances per company code

    • Summary list of tax balances for all company codes

    • The following data is displayed at line item level:
      • Company code

      • Tax on sales/purchases code

      • Transaction key

      • Posting period and date

      • Document number and reference document number

      • Tax base amount

      • Output/input tax amount

      • Non-payable output tax/non-deductible input tax

      • Customer/vendor address data

      • Receipt data

      • To output address or receipt data, select the Read Address/ReciptData fields and select the Layouts for outputlists that contain the appropriate fields.
        The following data can be output for each tax type in the tax typeoverview (summary list output and input tax):
        • Company code

        • Tax on sales/purchases code

        • Transaction key

        • Tax name and rate

        • Base

        • Output/input tax amount

        • Non-payable output tax/non-deductible input tax

        • In the line item list for tax differences, documentswhere the posted tax amount differs from the calculated tax amount areoutput with an appropriate message.
          The following data is displayed in the company code overview (summarylist of tax balances per company code) for each company code:
          • Company code

          • Tax on sales/purchases code

          • Transaction key

          • Tax name and rate

          • Base

          • Payable output tax

          • Deductible input tax

          • Tax balance

          • The amounts in the lists detailed above can be output in a foreigncurrency as well as the reporting currency.
            You can also output an overview of the balances of all company codes(summary list of all company codes). The same data is displayed as inthe company code overviews.
            When you select the batch input procedure for automatic transfer postingof tax payable, information about the document prepared for this isoutput per company code. For each item in this document, the followingdata is displayed:
            • Item number

            • Posting key

            • Account number

            • Account name

            • Currency

            • Amount

            • If you have selected the preparations for filling out the advance returnfor tax on sales/purchases, the restrictions you selected are output.You need these values for the program run. The program processes thedata further and then prints the return.

1125117RFUMSV00: Non-deductible input tax in India
1640373RFUMSV00: Address data for documents for deferred tax
1619795RFUMSV00: Adjustments to RGJVTAX2
1557535RFUMSV00: Performance when reading adress data
1576305RFUMSV00 - XML generation - removal of parameter
1577423Switzerland- UID Company Identification Number
1563146RFIDITBLIST: Inclusion of companies in other countries
216761RFUVDE00: Termination with error message F7 212
1551245RFUMSV00: Display of address data in international version
1500547RFUMSV00-correction funct. of layouts in "/" name space
880864RGJVTAX2 prevent syntax errors after core changes
1489130RFUMSV00 displays tax base amounts for EU taxes incorrectly
845219Delimiting fin. rptg per. w/ elec. adv. rtn for tax on s/p
1437351Romania-New VAT tax codes 2010- Sales/Purchases Journals
1029426ERP: No distribution information with reversed documents 2
1223773IDoc BAPI BADI_TAX1_XTXIT_SET line by line tax does not work
1409614Non-deductible Taxes RO - Changes of BAdIs
1424444Stamp Tax amount errors
1381149RFUMSV00: Tax reporting date and electronic advance return
654707VAT Report for India
1361615RFUMSV00: Tax control for documents from SD
1350039RFUMSV00: Reference for deferred tax in Latvia
1335702RFUMSV00: Country for address of business partner
1307450RFUMSV00: List output in country language II
1299120RFUMSV00: Column "Clearing Date" displayed incorrectly
1066663RFUMSV00, RFUMSV10: Incomplete list output
925217GDPdU: Access to RFUMSV00 by tax auditors
1263340RFUMSV00: List output in country language
873976Online splitter: Split according to account balance
792331RFUMSV00: Display official document number for Italy
965987ERP: No distribution information for reversed documents
860780RFASLD15: Display of Special G/L indicator postings
1264911Elster 2.0 w/ XI 7.0: Incorr. qrtrly return for 2nd/3rd qrtr
1233225RFUMSV00: Gifts with output tax, Italy
1035054RFUMSV00: Address data in stock transfer documents
1246060Search help for tax on sales/purchases groups in UNICODE
732418Display of address data in report RFUMSV00
1157727RFUMSVHU sign correction (LWSTE, LWBAS)
745201 RFUMSV00 for Slovakia: base amount not correct
1142378RFUMSV00 for Slovakia: Base amount is not correct II
1140561Corrections of /CCEE/SIFI_DDVO8 and /CCEE/SIFI_RFASLM00_SI
1136645ELSTER 2.0 UVA: Return by quarters incorrect
1113019Accquisition Taxes RO - Changes of BAdIs
1109126RFUMSV00: Error F8 023 More than 950 line items transferred
829489Standard VAT solution for Croatia
1100622RGJVTAX2: Syntax error after importing Support Package
829645ELSTER with country key not = 'DE' for Germany
500157Form printout for advance return for tax on sales/purchases
1037155ELSTER, FOTV: Report line cannot be deleted
1012103Problem with /CCEE/SIFIRFUMSV00N in EURO conversion
1017516RFUMSV00: incorrect output of acquisition tax
994295RFUMSV00: receipts displayed twice
831486RFUMSV00: Error message F7 575
978672Reimplementation of message No:578 of message class F7
159844VAT rates, legal changes Slovakia
902444RGJVTAX2: Note 877045 causing syntax error
893630Electronic advance return for tax on sales/purchases
892548VAT Declaration for Ukraine customizing
871301Selection parameter Ledger in tax programs
831532RFUMSV00:Acquisition Tax Accrual-Impact on legal report
854227RFUMSV25: Transfer postings are executed several times
719340MIRO FB60 FB70 - tax base cannot be changed
829662Austria: Electronic annual tax return U1
825186RFUMSV00: Incorrect tax differences are displayed
803670RFUMSV00: Adjustments to RGJVTAX2
794703RFUMSV00: Address data for deferred tax documents
794392RFUMSV25: transfer posting for deferred tax repeated
788055RFUMSV00: address data and reference with deferred tax
754759Termination RFUMSV00 with Philippine company code
697825Spain: Self invoice and EU directive 115/2001
487971Migration Tools CV Thailand 40B to R/3 Enterprise
704661RFUMSV00: Incorrect column description when creating layout
685041IMG Activity and Report Documentation is missing
617694RFUMSV00: Extension BADI FI_TAX_BADI_016
584471Input tax for telephone bills in Hungaria
512950Changes to BADI implementations of RFUMSV00 for Taiwan
566949RFUMSV00: Legal requirement of Russia
400505RFUMSV00: self invoices
511468Post output tax for individual down payment request
510001RFUMSV25: Defrrd tax w/ 0% in adv.retrn tax on sals/purch.
213558RFUMSV00: Message in country currency
442284RFUMSV00: Tax control for documents from SD
204972RFUMSV00: Deactivating document summarization (BSET)
174573Euro / alternative local currency: Balance on tax account
393884RFUMSV00: New standard variant for Italy and Spain
185605Diff.acquistn tax disply after local crcy changeovr
175141Adv.ret.for tax on sal./ 2nd & 3rd loc.crcy