Programme SAP RFUMSRVG00 - VAT Refund

This report creates an overview of the FI documents and trip receiptsthat are relevant for VAT refund. It also creates a list of theamounts accrued per company code, tax reporting country and tax refundcountry.
The documents are written to a reporting portfolio of transactionFOTV, dependent on the selection parameters.Here youcan supplement the document data with missing information and combine itin an application.

To be able to select VAT refund-relevant documents, correspondingdocuments must have be posted in the system. This makes the followingconfiguration steps necessary:
The VAT refund directive requires mandatorydata for each invoice that is included in the VAT refund application.This includes the identification of a line item according to the natureof the acquired goods and services. You define theseVAT refund codes and
subcodes for the relevant EU countries in the Customizing activityDefine Code for Goods and Services per VATRefund Country.
At least one tax code is required for the VAT refund. Either create anew tax code using transaction FTXP, or if a suitabletax code already exists, you can use it.
In the following Customizing activity, flag the tax code as relevant forVAT refund: Define Tax Code asRefund-Relevant Value Added Tax
To avoid having to manually assign a VAT refund code for each line itemyou can make the assignment to a G/L account in the Customizingactivity: Assign Code for Goods and Servicesto a G/L Account. Whenever a line item is posted to a correspondingaccount, the report automatically assigns the VAT refund code to theline item.
You can implement enterprise-specific modifications to a VATrefund-relevant line item using the BAdI: BAdI: VATRefund.
To select a trip receipt, an RFC connection must be set up between theSAP FI system and the SAP Travel Management system. See: Customizingactivity Set Up RFC Connection
Once all these preliminary settings have been made, VAT refund-relevantdocuments can be posted and selected using this report.

You can limit the volume of documents using the following selectioncriteria:

  • Company code, document number, fiscal year, posting date, reference
  • number, document date, tax reporting date and refund country.
    • The selection criterion in the Electronic VAT Refund group
    • box is only evaluated if the Create Reporting Portfoliooption is set. Furthermore, the reporting portfolio is updated only ifthis setting is made.
      If a reporting portfolio is created, the period selected must match thecorresponding posting date, document date, or tax date.
      In the standard system, the report displays the FI documents, tripreceipts and totaled amounts on different tab pages.
      For batch mode, all documents must be displayed in a collective list.For this purpose, you must set the Output Background Processing
      parameter by selecting a variant.

      If a reporting portfolio is created, the system first sets a lock on thereporting periods that were created from the data selected, so as toprevent data inconsistencies.
      The report creates at date A a reporting portfolio for company code0001, tax reporting country DE, tax refund country IT, year 2009 andperiod 1 - 3. You then supplement this data with additional data intransaction FOTV and do not submit the data.
      You run the report again at date B with the above selection criteria.This causes the loss of the old reporting portfolio with all your manualchanges.
      If the data created under item 1 is flagged as submitted and the reportis executed at date B with the selection criteria from item 1, a deltareport is created. The system only selects the documents that have notalready been reported.

      Selection of reversal documents:
      As a rule, reversed documents are not selected.
      When documents have reversed another document, the system checks whetherthe reversed document is already listed in the reporting portfolio. Ifit is, the reversed document is selected also. In the contrary case, thedocument is not selected.


