Programme SAP RFUBCCEUPL - Transfer Cost Event Files

This program is used for the manual or periodic transfer of cost eventfiles. These files are generated by the components of SAP BillerConsolidator. The files can be saved on the application server orpresentation server. The program reads the files, carries out formalchecks and saves the cost event data in the system. Incorrect files arenot processed. If errors occur, you should contact SAP.
Note that batch processing is only possible for file uploads from theapplication server. If you use batch processing to upload files from thepresentation server, the program will be terminated.
The data is subsequently processed with program RFUBCCCRE (transfer tothe billing application, for instance Service Billing).

This program can be used in the Schedule Manager.

The cost event files must be saved on an accessible server (SAPapplication server or presentation server)
The file names must have the form "name.extension", whereby the "name"must not exceed 32 characters and the "extension" 3 characters. The costevent files generated by SAP Biller Consolidator comply with thisconvention.

You can specify whether the files are imported from the applicationserver or presentation server.

  • Application Server

  • Enter the path (e.g../COST_EVENT_DATA) and the file name or a filter(e.g. *.ced).
    • Presentation Server

    • Enter the path (e.g. C:\COST_EVENT_DATA) and the file name or a filter(e.g.*.ced).
      If you set the indicator, you specify that the files will be deletedafter successful processing. Incorrect files will not be deleted.
      You can activate a duplicate processing check by setting the indicator.The system then checks whether a file of the same name has already beenimported. If this is the case, the file is not processed.
      If you set the simulation indicator, the data transfer is tested. Inthis case, no data is actually transferred to the system and no filesdeleted.

      No standard variants are delivered to the customer.

      The system logs the result of the data transfer, listing all messagesalong with the respective file.