Programme SAP RFTXM320 - Generate MT320 SWIFT Files

You use report program RFTXM320 to generate SWIFT MT320 confirmationmessages for money market transactions. It checks whether a SWIFTconfirmation is planned for the respective product/transaction type.After a file is generated, the transaction's confirmation status is setto 'executed'.
The selection screen allows you to limit the number of transactions tobe confirmed. To generate files, enter the execution date and an ID.The 'Collective file' field generates a file with the respectivetransactions for each business partner. If you do not select thisindicator, a file is generated for each transaction.
You can repeat the file generation in two separate steps:
Select one or several historical SWIFT correspondence items from theCorrespondence monitor. Using the repeat function,you can then generate new correspondence planned records.
On the basis of the correspondence planned records generated in 1), youcan repeat the file generation.

Once the data medium has been generated, the report program displays anerror/success log, which you can print. Using a pushbutton, you canbranch to data medium administration function, from where you can loadthe files generated to an external storage medium.