Programme SAP RFTXM300 - Generate MT300 SWIFT Files

Report RFTXM300 is used to generate SWIFT MT00 confirmation messagesfor foreign exchange transactions. The report checks whether a SWIFTconfirmation has been defined for the product type/transaction typeconcerned. After a file has been generated, the confirmation status ofthe transaction is set to Executed.
The selection screen allows you to choose the transactions to beconfirmed. To generate a file, you have to enter the execution date andan identification. If you select the Collective file field, thesystem generates one file per business partner comprising severaltransactions. If you do not set this flag, the system generates onefile per transaction.
You can repeat the file generation in two separate steps:
Select one or several historical SWIFT correspondence records from theCorrespondence monitor. Using the repeat function,you can then generate new correspondence planned records.
You can repeat the file generation on the basis of the correspondenceplanned records generated in 1).

After the data medium has been created, the report produces asuccess/error log, which you can print out. You can click a pushbuttonto branch to the Administration data medium. From there, you canload the generated files to an external storage medium.