Programme SAP RFTR_INTF_MAINFLOWS_UPLOAD - FTR: Amortization Schedule Upload for FinancialTransactions

This program is used to upload amortization schedules for the financialtransactions Money Market Intrest Rate Instrument andDerivatives Swap .


Excel sheet Format:
The given Excel sheet must contain the data to be uploaded in its firstsheet. The sheet must have 3 rows. The first row contains theflowtype, the second row contains the amount and the third row containsthe date. There may be one line with field names as the first row .


The fields Company Code, Transaction and Filename are mandatory. On thebasis of this information the suitable processing is selected.
If you intend to process the incoming side of the Swap check the boxModify incoming swap side in the second block. There will bevisible two additional fields to enter deviating flowtypes for theincoming swap side.
If you want to shift the dates in the excel file to working days,choose the shift direction in the third block. Default is same day.
In the fourth block check Test run to validate the data in the file. Incase of test run there will be no affection to the database. The othercheckbox has to be activated, if there is a header line in the excelsheet.

The result is a list corresponding to the lines in the excel sheet.There is a row Stat for each line, that shows the status for this line.The green and the yellow light indicates, that this line will be takenover. The red light indicates, that this line will not be processed.
Condition for a yellow light:
The payment date was shifted to a working day
Condition for a red light:
Invallid flowtype, Payment amount <= 0.00, Payment date out of validrange.


Selection screen input:

o Company Code
o Financial transaction
o Name of Excel File

o different Flowtypes for the Update of Incoming Swap
o Shift to working day ( prev. or next )
o Test run

Checks made:

within the selection screen before the Excel File is read
Financial transaction exists in Company Code
Financial transaction is accessable
Excel File is accessable
Finacial transaction is a Money Market Intrest Instrument or aDerivatives OTC
different Flowtypes are valid

after reading the Excel File the following checks are made for eachline
given Flowtype is valid for the transaction
Payment amount is greater than 0.00
Payment date is inside the valid range of the transaction

1. branch Money Market Intrest Rate
Update the items in the given transaction. Check if there is a mirroredtransaction and update with the corresponding Flowtypes

2. branch Swap
Update the outgoing side with the data read from the Excel File. If thecheckbox for the incoming side is checked, Update the incoming side.The Flowtype is the same as in the Excel File unless the user enters adifferent one in the selection screen.

The program can be executed in two different modes.
Test Run is checked. Here all the checkes are made and in the resultinglist all errors are indicated by a red light in the line. A message isadded which describes the error. No database updates are made.If TestRun is not checked, the valid lines are updated in the database. Theresult list is printed in both cases.