Programme SAP RFTBXP01 - Set posting release indicator in AT10 for money market/forex

This XPRA RFTBXP01 sets the indicator for the automatic posting releaseSAUTOBUCH in the transaction type control table AT10 for transactionsin money market and forex. This ensures that corresponding transactionscontinue to be automatically released for posting, as was the caseprior to the Release 3.0D 'put'.

1. Conversion of transaction type control table AT10
The indicator for automatic posting release SAUTOBUCH is set for alltransaction types in money market and forex.

2. Problems with program errors
The program may be restarted at any time: But it then activates theautomatic posting release for all money market and forex transactions.
If you require different settings, you need to maintain the indicatormanually in the Implementation Guide under 'Transaction types' -->'Maintain definition'.

3. What happens if you do not execute this XPRA
If you do not run this XPRA, in future you will have to manuallyreleaseflows for posting for all transactions in money market andforeign exchange before they can be posted in Financial Accounting.