Programme SAP RFTBLVTBLVSEU - Limit Management: Changeover to the Euro

This program converts Limit Management data to the euro.
For the changeover, data objects are selected that have a nationalcurrency that is fixed to the euro, but which is not the euro itself:
a) Limits, interim limits, (conversion field: currency WLIMIT andWLIMIT_IL as well as amounts)
b) Totals of the limit utilizations, collateral (conversion field:currency of totals record WLI and amounts)
c) Indexes of limit utilizations, collateral (conversion field:exchange rate KLI)
Single utilizations and single records for collateral are NOTconverted. This is because their currencies are dependent on that ofthe underlying transaction.
The following tables are affected:

  • VTBLV: Limits

  • VTBLVIL: Interim limits (optional, report parameter)

  • VTBLIS: Limit utilizations - totals record (optional, report parameter)

  • VTBLII: Limit utilizations - relation to single records and totals
  • records (optional, report parameter)
    • VTBLSI: Collateral - relation to single records and totals records
    • (optional, report parameter)

      We recommend that, before you run the changeover to euro, you archiveand delete utilizations that are no longer required usingtransaction TBLARC ==> Executefunction.
      This reduces the runtime of the changeover.